NYC Council Set To Up Cigarette-Buying Age To 21

smokeSmokers under 21 may soon be barred from buying cigarettes in New York City.

The City Council is expected to vote Wednesday to raise the minimum age for purchasing smokes — and even electronic-vapor cigarettes — to 21.

It’s the most populous place in the United States to consider raising the tobacco-buying age that high.

The city’s current age limit is 18. That’s a federal minimum. It’s standard in many places.

Some states and communities have raised the age to 19. At least two towns have agreed to raise it to 21.

Advocates say higher age limits help prevent young people from taking up a hazardous habit.

Manufacturers have suggested young adult smokers may just turn to black-market merchants.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration supports the council’s plan.


One Response

  1. The article is about raising the age to 21 from 18. What does a picture of children well under 18 have to do with the article?

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