Despite Satmar (Ahroni) Lobbying, Prominent Rabbis Sign Proclamations Against Proposal-1


Despite enormous pressure by community leaders in Williamsburg, more than a dozen prominent Rabbanim have signed their names to a public proclamation urging the community to vote against a referendum that would legalize casinos in upstate New York.

“We are faced with a calamitous possibility of casino gambling,” reads one ‘kol koreh’ (public proclamation) signed by, among others, the Novominsker Rebbe, and Rabbi Shimon Weinberger, Skulener Dayan of Williamsburg, that was translated to English on Capital New York.

“Because of this great threat, spiritually and physically, one who protects his life should distance himself in order to save our lives and the lives of our generation,” the proclamation goes on. “Therefore, in order to prevent this evil from happening, we call out to awaken the holy community to help us to distance this from us and to vote ‘no’ on November 5. Protect your souls and the souls of your children. Do not allow this great danger to enter into our communities.”

A similar kol koreh (above) arguing against legalized casinos ran today in Hamodia, the Jewish Press and the 5 Towns Jewish Times signed by, among others, rabbis from the Central Rabbinical Congress, the Satmar organization affiliated with the Zalis, and Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin.

“Whoever put this together only got A-list rabbis,” Michael Fragin, told Capital New York. “These are major league.”

“People who probably would not have paid attention to the voting on this will go from not caring to voting against it,” said Fragin. “This has the potential to sway thousands of votes.”

Democratic political consultant Michael Tobman, who at times represents the Ahronim, agreed with Fragin. “This is a community that votes in a bloc that is taking an issue opposite the prevailing position in what will be a low turnout hotly contested referendum campaign,” he said. “If you’re running a spreadsheet, you now have to make up several thousand voters.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

14 Responses

  1. What do you mean by “Despite enormous pressure by community leaders in Williamsburg, more than a dozen prominent Rabbanim have signed their names against to a public proclamation urging the community to vote against”? Are the Williamsburg askonim in favor of legalizing casinos?

  2. The “A list” rabbis who signed are 100% correct. No good can come out of additional gambling locations. A disgracful way for government to raise revenue.

  3. It’s so nice to see so much achdus on important topics like this.

    Also, it’s great that they got the real A-list rabbonim, the true major leaguers, and not other B-list rabbonim who would be willing to put their names on anything. But I notice some names not on the list, people that I thought are major leaguers but maybe they aren’t.

  4. This is a statewide vote and I’d be shocked if the Frum vote will make a significant difference in the final tally. New York is a big state, and we are a small community.

  5. Keep in mind that very few people bother to vote on these referendum items at the bottom of the ballot. Most voters are not even aware that they’ll be there. So our votes will certainly count.

  6. shalom2010….did you read?

    “This is a community that votes in a bloc that is taking an issue opposite the prevailing position in what will be a low turnout hotly contested referendum campaign”

    in a low turnout scenario, those who do turn out usually win.

  7. SHALOM…many individuals in this Big State of NEW YORK are against casinos and gambling joints, has nothing to do with only frum Jews.

  8. Guess we rather see the money go to nj or conn let’s be practical they r gambling anyway. It raises revenue puts thousands to work in a depressed area that needs re growth and jobs. And yes will raise property values S well

  9. kollel faker,,,sort of like many people are supporting same-gender marriages and its happening anyway…so why not support it??

  10. There are only two frum kehilas that are officially calling for their followers to vote as blocs FOR the casinos:

    Satmar Kiryas Joel (the Aroni faction only)

    and Skver

    Does ‘quid pro quo’ sound right?

    As witness to the irreversible damage done to families -innocent victims of gamblers – I cannot begin to comprehend how any Yid with a conscience can vote for bringing casinos into our own back yards!!

    Shame!! Shame!! Shame!!

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