Bnei Torah Party Invited to Coalition Talks in Yerushalayim

aurepThe Bnei Torah list which earned a seat in the Jerusalem City Council has been invited to take part in negotiations as the new city coalition is being formed. Chaim Epstein met with coalition officials on Tuesday night, the eve of 26 Cheshvan 5774. Rav Epstein was accompanied by Bnei Torah’s negotiating team.

The Bnei Torah team informed coalition officials that their hashkafa entails adhering to instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita and working to maintain Yerushalayim’s frum character. Therefore, Bnei Torah explained that before it can consider entering into the coalition it must understand what the coalition’s platform will be pertaining to religious matters. Bnei Torah pointed out the importance of maintaining the city’s religious status quo.

Bnei Torah officials made a point of mentioning it will work to protect the religious rights of the chareidim living in what is referred to as “mixed neighborhoods” and they will not permit these residents to become victims of religious discrimination.

HaPeles reports Mayor Nir Barkat and his negotiating team were most attentive as they listened to Rav Epstein and the Bnei Torah team. The mayor is expected to get back to Epstein as the negotiations continue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Hatzlacha Rabba to the Bnei Torah party under the leadership of Maran HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach shlit”a.

    May they be matzliach in assisting Klal Yisroel for many years to come.

  2. For anyone that knows a little this party is a bunch of grandchildren of קרח ועדתו who took a Gadol Byisroel Maran Rav Shmuel ahlit”a and are making בזיונות out of him as long as they can get some כבוד very sad.

  3. Everyone fears Bnei Torah-Hapeles since everyone fears what Agudat Yisrael and Degel Hatorah would say and Degel Hatorah fears what would the Bnei Torah-Hapeles would say. The conclusion: Everyone fears what Hapeles would say and write.

    Now the charedi parties have pressure not to compromise on vital issues in order not to be less than Bnei Torah-Hapeles.

  4. #2 It has nothing to do with kavod like some motzi shem ra people are out to libel, but that Bnei Torah headed by Rav Shmuel Auerbach shlit”a is an absolute non-compromising whatsoever on yiddishkeit and follow the derech of Rav Eliyashiv zt”l and the Chazon Ish zt”l, while Degel Hatorah would allow compromising.

  5. “mixed neighborhoods” and they will not permit these residents to become victims of religious discrimination.

    Neither secular nor religious residents should be victims of ‘religious discrimination/religious coercion’ in a mixed neighborhood.

  6. No.3. By stating that Korach & co. is taking advantage of & misleading one the gedolei hador (Maran Harav HaGaon Rav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita), is in fact a bizyon of Rav Shmuel. FYI: I know his chavrusa very well, so I don’t need the press to inform me of Rav Shmuel’s opinions.

    You are however correct that anyone who knows a LITTLE thinks your way, but those who know a LOT know how to honor the gedolei hador. Yehi Ratzon that there should be Shalom in Klal Yisrael to make our Father in Heaven proud of all of us.

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