What Happens When One Waves a PLO Flag in Knesset?

A number of months ago during a session of a Knesset lobby to advance peace efforts between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), Amani Hidari waved a PLO flag. Hidari is a parliamentary aide to MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi.

Yaakov Wider, a member of the Likud’s chareidi faction objected to waving the flag of a terror organization and demanded an appropriate action be taken.

About two weeks ago, Wider received his response from a senior official in the attorney general’s office.

The response stated “In light of current circumstances and the Israeli Government recognition of the PLO and signed agreements, as well as ongoing negotiations…there is no public interest in this from a legal perspective and therefore there is no reason to proceed with criminal charges for waving the flag of the PLO. Hence the decision was made not to open an investigation.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If the government keeps up with its policies (conscription of yeshiva students, banning Jewish schools that don’t teach a zionist curriculum and requiring all children to go to zionist schools, making it a crime for a rav to participate in a wedding unless licensed by the government, etc.) – don’t be shocked if within a few years you’ll see a lot of hareidim waiving an Arab flag. Better to be a frum Palestinian than a secular Israel – and those are the only choices they plan to offer.

  2. Nebach – The medina (medina shel geheinom) is colapsing. No matter how successful they are in many areas but when the moral of the citizens (the Jewish ones) is going down and down with each crazy move, with each irresponsible decision, how far the state can keep its integrity???

  3. To akuperman:
    Only charedim like you, who conveniently can clothe their hatred in their hearts in an anti Zionist hashkafa, would think of embracing the enemy, who wishes to make Israel yudenrein. Tell me akuperman, what’s your opinion of those charedim who embrace the Iranians?

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