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MKs Lipman & Hotevely: We Must Hold New Elections in Beit Shemesh

lipMK (Yesh Atid) Rabbi Dov Lipman sent a letter to Minister of the Interior Gideon Saar in which he stated due to the unfolding picture of widespread election fraud in Beit Shemesh, there is no alternative to holding elections in the city again.

YWN-ISRAEL reported that Mayor Moshe Abutbul won the election by a mere 924 votes, defeating the Likud/Beitenu party challenger, Eli Cohen.

Lipman points out that with the information uncovered to date, there is no doubt that the election was tainted and what occurred was an “affront to democracy”, adding “I see no alternative other than new elections. Such a step will not only correct the injustice in Beit Shemesh, it will serve as a deterrence and preventative measure for future elections”.

Deputy Minister of Transportation (Likud) Tzipi Hotevely contacted the interior minister as well, concurring with Lipman. She too explained that in light of the damaging evidence included in the Maariv report there must be new elections in Beit Shemesh.

Maariv released a comprehensive report citing election fraud, double voting, fraudulent identity cards, as well as documenting the failure of polling officials to properly monitor voting in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. #1: Fair enough. We’ll do the national kenesset elections over again, too. We both don’t like the outcome of one or another. When we lose we have a do-over.

  2. It is only the Courts that have the power to order new elections. Lipman and Hotevely are thus just engaging in political posturing. If they have evidence of fraud let them join in funding an application to the Court to have a re-run.

  3. Lipman is part of lapid ain’t charaidi party Belive it or not. So of course he screams fraud and reelection. So loser the fraud was max 10 votes and he lose by 900+

  4. 6- He screams fraud because there is evidence of fraud. If you want to be taken seriously when you complain about Lipman over real things, then you at least have to admit when he is being genuine. There is serious evidence from multiple poll watchers that there was fraud. This is a serious issue. It has nothing to do with who won.

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