Deutsch Supporters Looking At CD48 As A Way To Reassert Political Clout

deutschNo we are not talking about the race for mayor or for the next District Attorney. The election that will determine not only the victor, but the extent of the Orthodox Jewish voting strength and Agudath Israel’s political clout, is the City Council seat in the newly-drawn 48th District.

Despite the heavy Russian population, Chaim Deutsch, who won the Democratic primary while the two Russian candidates split the vote, believes he’s up for an upset once again.

“It’s going to be a close election,” Mr. Deutsch told The Jewish Week in an email interview.

The divide in the Russian community between former Senator and the current Republican/Conservative candidate, David Storobin and Russian radio mogul Gregory Davidzon, who’s running as a write-in candidate, gives Josh Mehlman, founder of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition and a supporter of Mr. Deutsch, a reason to believe that a united Orthodox Jewish electorate could hand an easy win to the Democrat.

“We don’t think the community is being split at all,” Mehlman told The Jewish Week. “Many people are looking [at the election] as an opportunity to win the community back.”

Nonetheless, Mr. Storobin, who’s running with the support of the Republican and Conservative parties in a relatively Conservative oriented district, is banking on the heavy Russian population and his name recognition in the Jewish community to overcome the damaged Republican brand citywide and the political establishment’s desire to see one of their own represent the District.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Keep dreaming Mr. Straw-bones….you ain’t got a chance at winning this one.

    Might as well just throw in the towel now.

    Hatzlacha Chaim, we’re ALL behind you.

  2. You guys are dreaming. Chaim doesn’t stand a chance.

    A recent AP analysis confirmed that David Storobin enjoys a huge lead in both the Russain and Orthodox community’s.

    It would be a shame to make enemy’s with such a good friend as Storobin.

  3. Name recognition is all mr. Storobin has. Accomplishment recognition is what counts, and he has zero. Try getting a hold of him if you need some issue addressed. Good luck! On the other hand, most of Flatbush has Chaim’s cell number. You know who’s getting my vote. There is only one logical choice- Chaim Deutsch is by far the best choice.

  4. @bassmaster
    I’ve personally spoken to manny people that have been helped by David Storobin. You’d be surprised how much David did for our community as well. There’s so much he did and to discredit his hard work?! I call that that bad Middus and definitely not the Torah way.

    The negativity must end!

  5. To Zalman 7, Where did you see AP analysis? You might have a special computer. probably at the same one you saw a Republican party endorsement. Not even one Republican club in the district as well as Kings County Republican party did not endorse Storobin. Get you facts straight.
    But who cares about endorsements. Let me quote Mr.Storobin “Character counts”. And this is why Chaim will win!

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