Hundreds of strangers heeded the call to attend the levaya on Friday of Shraga Gestetner, a 35-year-old Chasidic singer and businessman and father of five from Montreal without any immediate relatives in Israel.
Gestetner came to Israel with his two brothers for Lag B’Omer and was killed in the Meron disaster. Messages on social media called for people to attend the levaya of a Meron victim with no immediate relatives in the country and hundreds of people responded, arriving at the Shamgar beis levayos and even escorting the meis to Har Hamenuchos for the burial.
Gestetner’s cousin Chaim told Kan News that his pain over his cousin’s death and the other victims is “incomprehensible.”

A Skverer chasid, Gestetner had a successful music career and had recently become more involved in business. He is survived by his wife and six children.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
6 Responses
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
He sang so beautifully. He must have possessed a heart of a REAL person. Was always wondering why I don’t see him anymore. His songs were so vaarem and melted my heart.
May H treist his beloved family. This is so unbelievably sad!!!!!
יהי זכרו ברוך
take a masechta of MISHNAYOS for the Sheloshim
or a masechta of GEMORA for the Yahrzeit
I was an acquaintance of his. He was very spiritual and it showed when he davened. He was Koveya Itim L’Torah and vey strong about it. He was generous and had a golden heart.
Even though I wasn’t a close friend of his I will still miss him very much – he set a very beautiful example of what it means to be a Yid.
As if it weren’t painful enough to watch this Levaya; what a scary scene with clusters of HUNDREDS of Yidden clamped together!! Still no crowd control?? Are we waiting for the next desaster to happen ch’v???
take a masechta of mishnayos for the Sheloshim
or a masechta of gemora for the yahrzeit
golusyid, the police weren’t there no worries