MORE TIKTOK TERROR: 3 Arabs Arrested For Throwing Hot Coffee In Jew’s Face

Three Arab-Israelis were arrested on Monday afternoon for their alleged involvement in throwing a hot cup of coffee in the face of a Chareidi man at Sha’ar Shechem.

Like the rash of recent Arab attacks on Jews, the act was videoed by the perpetrator’s friends and uploaded to TikTok.

The two Arabs that videoed the incident were arrested at the scene and the third Arab fled the scene but was later arrested at his grandmother’s house in the Issawiya neighborhood of east Jerusalem.

All three suspects are residents of Jerusalem’s Old City and two of them are minors.

Below is a video summarizing some of the incidents uploaded to TikTok in recent days.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This heinous arab needs to be ordered to appear at police precinct every day for rest of his life to have boiling water thrown onto his face, and should he ever abscond and miss an appearance, be sent to prison for life without parole, in order to have boiling water poured on his face daily, for rest of his life. Anything short of this is an absolute travesty of justice.

  2. I thought of a wonderful and beautiful trick how we can use Shaar Schem in a super duper peaceful manner.
    No more getting slapped by the arabs, no more hot coffee, the arabs will not kick in our car windows, no more slapping us in the face, no more knocking us over
    We can put all this behind us.
    Beautiful advice:
    Maybe we can pray to the Almighty, maybe we can read Psalms with a commentary
    Please God, please take us out from this long and bitter exile.

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