Final Opportunity For Letters In Hatzalah Unity Torah

Just 2 weeks remain until the historic Hatzalah week, the week of global celebration and appreciation for the Hatzalah organization and its dedicated volunteers.

The week will include the 7-hour Hatzalah-Thon, a grand event culminating in the completion of the second Unity Torah, which will be streamed live around the world.

The first Unity Torah, begun in an effort to end the pandemic by uniting Jewish people around the world, was completed last year in a grand celebration. 304,805 Jews of every background joined forces in an overwhelming display of unity, with every letter in the Torah being purchased in the name of a Jewish person from around the world.

The excess proceeds raised are donated to Hatzalah, the heroic volunteers who were on the front lines risking their lives to save others during the pandemic and beyond.

During the month of Iyar of last year, the final letters were allocated in the Torah, and organizers Shloime Greenwald, Beryl Junik and Zalmy Cohen launched the Hatzalah-thon fundraiser to raise funds for the Hatzalah organization worldwide and highlight the tremendous self-sacrifice of the volunteers around the world who were at the front lines during the height of the pandemic.

Soon, a second Torah was started, and is being dedicated to Hatzalah, with Jews around the world purchasing letters in the merit of their families and friends.

Now, the second Unity Torah is nearly complete, with just two weeks remaining to take part in the global effort to unite Jews of all types around the world.

Join now and dedicate a letter or a Parsha to a Hatzalah member or branch to show appreciation for their dedication to helping fellow Jews day or night.

Click here to allocate a letter and join the Torah which is uniting Klal Yisroel in a historic way.

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