Medicare Monthly Premium To Stay At $104.90

medMedicare says the “Part B” premium most seniors pay for outpatient care will stay the same in 2014, at $104.90 a month.

That’s good news for beneficiaries, following a $5-per-month increase this year.

The Part B deductible, the annual amount beneficiaries pay before Medicare outpatient coverage starts, will also remain the same at $147, officials announced Monday. But the hospital care deductible is going up by $32, to $1,216.

Monthly premiums paid by upper-income beneficiaries, those above $85,000 a year, or $170,000 for married couples, will also stay unchanged.

And a reminder: Medicare beneficiaries don’t have to worry about the rollout problems with President Barack Obama’s coverage for the uninsured.

Medicare is not affected. Its own open enrollment for prescription coverage and Medicare Advantage plans is going smoothly.


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