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MK Stern on The Release of Arab Terrorists

papMK (The Movement) Elazar Stern on Sunday, 23 Cheshvan 5774 spoke with Israel Radio. When asked about the scheduled release of Arab terrorists by the government this week, Stern, a former IDF major-general, stated “In principal, I oppose the release of terrorists with blood on their hands.”

Stern was asked to relate to the Bayit Yehudi party’s sharp attack against Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who is heading Israel’s negotiating team with the PA (Palestinian Authority). Livni is also the head of Stern’s party.

Stern called Bayit Yehudi’s press statements against Livni “the lowest level politics possible”, questioning the integrity of the right-wing party’s statements. Stern feels that if Bayit Yehudi is so opposed to the act, then it should be attacking Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon first and foremost. He adds that when the coalition was forming it was known to all that Livni would be heading the talks with the PA yet the PA did not make any stipulations regarding the future release of terrorists. Stern feels the statements are “cheap politics” aimed at gaining popularity and support on the back of the terrorist release.

He was also critical of Bayit Yehudi for stating it opposes talks with the PA, questioning the party’s willingness to be part of this coalition, which told the nation from the start that it would attempt to jump start diplomatic negotiations with the PA.

Stern feels it is “more convenient to attack Livni for they prefer not to go head-to-head with the prime minister of defense minister.”

“I say it loud and clear I oppose the release of terrorists with blood on their hands. I know them (Bayit Yehudi) and there are some of them are good fellows” but Stern feels after voicing one’s objections, one must abide by the cabinet decision or resign, and launching attacks against Livni are out of place as well as dangerous.

Israel Radio continued pushing the “incitement” angle in an effort to delegitimize Bayit Yehudi’s anti-Livni position, asking Stern “do you see these official party statements possibly influencing a lone person to act [hinting to Rabin assassination].”

Stern acknowledged the tone of the right-wing’s messages is worrisome and it does represent seditious behavior in his opinion, stating “If chas v’sholom something does occur they will ask mechila and release a clarification of what they really meant by their words” but he warns this will be too little too late.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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