Indictments Filed in Bituach Leumi Embezzlement Plot

mishtThe chareidi defendants arrested in the Bituach Leumi scam case were indicted in the Jerusalem District Court on Sunday afternoon, 23 Cheshvan 5774. Indictments were handed down against the 28 and 27-year-old males who have been held in the case. Charges against them include conspiracy to commit fraud against a government agency.

The prosecution reports that if the suspects were not discovered, they would have succeed in embezzling 6,797, 553 NIS from Bituach Leumi.

There is no mention as to why the physicians involved have not been taken into custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why does everyone assume a physician had to be involved, if they were forging documents already why not forge some physicians’ stamp, or steal it etc…

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