Win $500 in a Pre-Shabbos HaGadol, Pesach-Halachos-Reviewing Song

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

This is a chance for you to both review your Pesach knowledge and halachos and at the same time fulfill a Mitzvah d’oraisah!

Oh yes, and at the same time, you can win $500 from the Five Towns Jewish Times, if you are the first person to correctly fill out the answers in the following Pesach Halachos-Reviewing Song.  There will also be a second prize and a third prize. One entry per household, make sure that you include your name, address, and email address.

Just be the first to email the 54 correct answers to the author at [email protected]

Parents – you can use this as a review at your Shabbos table!

Teachers, please feel free to print out and use this to review Pesach halachos.

Business owners, you can distribute this as an incentive to give your employees your own prize!  The answers will (hopefully) appear in the next Five Towns Jewish Times!

Also, if you wish to help out a needy family to fulfill the mitzvah of maos chitin – you can use that address too. Just please at an extra .18 cents to whatever you wish to give for record-keeping purposes.

The Pesach-Halachos-Reviewing Song

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman


Pesach is a favorite holiday of mine..

At the Seder we drink four cups of_________________ (1)

Now that’s only if a person can,

But it applies to every educable child, woman, and ______________ (2).


There is another law about the wine that we shouldn’t hide,

And that is when we drink it we should lean on our left _____ (3).

If you forgot to lean on cups number one or two..

You’ve  got to drink them again to be a good ______(4).


To show our freedom and to adore it,

The cups of wine – try to get someone else to _________(5).

You MAY NOT drink them all together – immediately -one after another..

This is true for all kids, the father, and also the _______ (6).


The cup should hold many ounces – three point three..

This is a very important halacha, you must  ____ (7).

When Pesach falls on Shabbos, though, for Kiddush it is even more..

On that first cup you’ll need more than four point ______(8).


There’s another Mitzvah that many people, unfortunately, do abhor

And that is the requirement to eat  a kezayis ____(9).

It’s to remind us of our very difficult chayim

When we experienced those dark days in _____________(10).


Some people use horseradish which is also called, “chrain..”

Others use a type of lettuce called, “____________”(11).

When you use the lettuce you must really search and detect..

You got to look out for any type of  ____________(12).

Even with the Romaine the Mitzvah is no cinch..

You’ve got to eat an amount equivalent of eight by ten ________(13).

And the amount for real horseradish – This shiur you beg?

You must consume about one half of an ______(14).


If you find this amount absurd,

Than of an egg-size of it – try to consume just one ______(15).

But the Mitzvah with which you should spend most of your tayim

Is the Mitzvah of, “sippur yetzias ________________”(16).


You should include all the details both happy and gory..

As you tell the children this very important ____________(17).

Pharaoh lost and the Yidden did win

So it is with Kiddush that we will _________(18).


So aside from fulfilling the Mitzvah of Kiddush, it is only right..

To think in shehecheyanu to fulfill all the Mitzvos throughout the _______(19).

Just remember when you bring the cup to your lip,

You should drink more than half of it in one _____(20).


Next we do urchatz,

To provoke questions from the little _____(21).

But don’t get too excited,

Because no blessing on this is _______(22).


We bring the water to the Haggadah reader,

We treat him royally because he is the _____________(23).

Then comes the karpas  – we dip and then we eat

So as not to make a bracha achrona, we consume less than a k’_______(24).


If you ate more than that amount

Don’t worry, for a bracha achrona it still won’t _______(25).

In Yachatz we break the Matzah in the middle.

For kids finding that Afikomen will be solving a great big  _______(26).


The Afikomen should be a kezayis preferably two..

And it should be the bigger half that’s what the Seder leader’s go to _____(27).

In Maggid have in mind to fulfill,

The Mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitrayim a Torah Mitzvah, b”h we have ______(28).


This is not something that we should be mindlessly praying,

It is so important to understand what you’re _______(29).

During the ten plagues we spill out wine in ten drops

For the loss of Egyptian life when Hashem pulled out all the _____(30).


There is another reason – so in middos we won’t falter,

It was provided in Slabodka – by the first Reb Nosson Tzvi known as “the  ________ “(31)

And that is so we will not become totally cruel without a heart

In mussar and middos we must all do our ____________(32).


In Maggid. at a minimum we must mention

Pesach, Matzah and Maror – they all need our ________(33).

Then comes Rachtza where we wash with a blessing..

When it comes to Matzah, with those brachos there is no _______(34).


For “HaMotzi Lechem ” we pick up all three matzos with the broken one in between..

But for “Al Achilas Matzah” that bottom Matzah is not  to be _______(35).

We’ve got eight minutes for those two k’zaisim to eat

With Matzah so dry – that’s truly quite a _______(36).


If we had just Maror alone –  perhaps we’d get halitoses

Maybe that is why we add a little bit of  ____________(37).

So that the bitterness will have true meaning

We eat the Maror without any ____________(38).


The blessing of Borei Pri HaAdamah – we also don’t make

We said it for the Karpas – make no _____________(39).

For Koraich, Hillel’s opinion, not to ignore

we wrap the Matzah around the__________(40)


That marror in Charoses we dip it – that’s right

The words, “Zaicher l’mikdash k’hillel” we  do re______(41)

Shulchan Oraich, is the meal that is hosted,

But we shouldn’t eat meat or chicken that is ________(42).


Start with that Seder plate egg we must recall,

To remember the Korban Chagigah and _______(43).

Don’t forget to leave room, later that night

For the Afikomen – for which we must save our ____________(44).


So that our freedom will have deep meaning,

We eat that Afikomen on our left side while __________(45).

To eat two kzaisim – that would be swell,

Representing the Korban Pesach and the Korban Chagiga as _______(46).


Don’t forget that it is proper and right

To eat that Afikomen before half of the _______(47)

Prior to Yom Tov we must look up and note

The exact time of midnight – Chaa_____(48).

It would also be a terrible omen

If we were to eat anything after __________(49).

Benching is the next thing that is up,

But beforehand clean and rinse that third _______(50)!


After we drink that third cup we fill up one more

Then we say, “Shfoch Chamascha” as we open the _____(51).

We did not finish praising and being mispallel

Because now we must go ahead and finish up the  _____(52).


However, we still must note

That we should finish up hallel by _________(53).

This seder, as you see, was definitely not so very long,

And we end it with Nirtzah which is praise and _______(54)!


The author can be reached at [email protected]



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