Israel Unable To Identify Source Of NY Variant In The Country

Photo: Health Ministry

Israeli health officials have been unable to identify the source of the first three cases of the New York variant found in Israel because the carriers did not fully cooperate with epidemiological investigators, Army Radio reported on Monday.

Three residents of Jerusalem, members of the same family, were diagnosed with the New York coronavirus variant – the first carriers of the variant who had not been abroad or in contact with someone who had been abroad.

The Shin Bet has also not been able to trace the source of the infection, the report said.

Health officials are worried that the variant is silently spreading through Israel.

The New York variant includes the same mutation as the South African variant, the E484K mutation, which is more resistant again the vaccine than the original coronavirus, is more contagious and may possibly be more deadly.

Israeli health officials are concerned that those who have recovered from the coronavirus can be reinfected with the New York variant. Also, although the variant is not likely to be entirely resistant to the existing coronavirus vaccines, it may reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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