Israeli Health Official Warns Of Rise In Young Seriously Ill Chareidi Patients

Illustrative. Defense Minister Benny Gantz crouches to speak with a Chareidi coronavirus patient in Rambam Hospital. (Rambam Hospital Spokesperson)

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the head of the Health Ministry’s Public Health division, warned about a rise in seriously ill young coronavirus patients in the Chareidi sector, Kikar H’Shabbos reported on Thursday.

Dr. Alroy Preis’s warning comes on the background of a lower vaccination rate in the Chareidi sector than that of the general population.

“We would very much like to see an increase in the vaccination rate in the Chareidi sector,” Alroy-Preis said. “Twenty percent of Chareidim aged 50 and older still haven’t been vaccinated, in comparison to 5-6% of those above 50 in the general population. I’m very nervous about them and I’m calling for everyone to get vaccinated, including young people.”

“We’re currently seeing a rise in seriously ill Chareidi patients aged 17-39, in contrast to the beginning of December, where there were almost no seriously ill patients of that age,” she added.

Alroy-Preis also emphasized the importance of pregnant women being vaccinated. “Everyone is aware of the painful story of the woman who died at only 32. It’s a heart-breaking incident because it could have been prevented.”

According to a tweet on Thursday by Prof. Eran Segal, who developed Weizmann Institute’s prediction model for the spread of COVID-19 in Israel, 72% of Chareidim over age 16 were either vaccinated with at least one vaccine dose or have recovered from the coronavirus.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I would like to publicise the peak of one of the biggest poskim of our generation Rabbi Mordecai Willig that there’s a chiuv to vaccinate

  2. Irradiation exposures from 5G and open WiFi may also be a factor. Young people generally have more immunity than older people, but many factors can wear away at these, especially if there are additional environmental stresses present that deplete nutritional reserves.

    Where is wholesome dietary advice coming from and attained in Israel? It doesn’t seem to be coming from medical-school trained physicians, or in neighborhood groceries either. The Rambam however, offers practical guidance for a strong biome (gut) and immune system: Hilchos Da’as, halacha 10; “There are some foods which are not as bad as these just mentioned, and they include… flour which has been sifted so fine that it no longer has any substance of bran”. It is not fitting to eat a lot of these foods. Someone who is wise–one who has subdued his exuberance and is not pulled by his desires and does not eat these foods except for medicinal benefit is staunchly proper.

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