Driving Through Crown Heights, President Obama Greeted By Chabad Protesters

obama crown heightsThousands of people were lined up to cheer President Obama on his first visit to Brooklyn, as his motorcade passed through the streets of Crown Heights, to deliver a speech at Brooklyn P-Tech. But along Kingston Avenue, hundreds of Chabad protesters were holding up posters calling for the president to investigate the unfair prosecution of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.

“Through one neighborhood of Crown Heights, there was a large group of Hasidic Jews chanting and holding signs calling on the president to review the Sholom Rubashkin case,” the WH pool report noted.

“Cheers were heard as the motorcade drove up Kingston Avenue. Although the the black Cadillac sped by, there was no doubt that the signs calling for reversing the injustice done to a former kosher meatplant manager has caught Obama’s attention,” COL live reported.

“The initiative, which began as a suggestion by commentators on COLlive, has grown into a community-wide effort with young and old holding signs calling on the President to either pardon Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin or investigate the case. “We want justice,” high school girls chanted in support of Rubashkin, a father of ten who was harshly sentenced for 27 years for bank fraud.


Photos by CrownHeights.info / Video by JDN

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

21 Responses

  1. Rubishkin was found guilty of bilking a banks for many millions, exploiting illegal laborers and running a filthy slaughterhouse. True, he give generously to charities, especially Chabad. It was a mitzvah derived from a sin. It is wrong to defend illegal behavior and casts a shadow on Chabad.

  2. Hats off to the Chabad and its members for rightfully protesting Obama. In my slanted view of Obama, any protest against Obama is justice in itself—period.

    Its not inconceivable Obama in the near future may be arrested.

    To all Jews,

    May I SUGGEST several things:

    1) Do more Talmud Torah.

    2) Do more davvening.

    3) Do more deeds of kindness (Chesed).

    4) Be very, very, careful of all goy including me.

    All the best,

    Gerry Mullen

  3. Reply to No. 3

    We have enough yiddeshe Obama haters on this site with their conspiracy theories; we really don’t need goiyeshe wingnuts posting too.

  4. DMMD,
    1) you are wrong you know that?
    Rubashkin was found 100% innocent on charges of employing illegals, exploiting minors ect…
    Please read up the facts.
    2) He was not “accussed of “bilking a bank” he was accused of “exploiting recievables” to secure a loan, a practice that is fairly common in buisness and encouraged by Banks in cases where the bank is ware that the loan will be repayed.
    In Rubashkins case the Bank never even made an attempt at denying that they were fully aware of every inflated invoice.
    3) Rubashkin was unable to repay the loan because of the government raid on his buisness which was later found to have been made because of false accustations.

  5. Actually, eBay Shslom Mordechai was convicted of is not much different than what your average person does when they apply for a mortgage. Overstate the assets.

    He read cleated of am other charges and the presiding judge was biased add it was and should have never heard the case

  6. Sorry. My phone is changing my spelling tonight. The second paragraph should have read:

    He was cleared of all other charges and the presiding judge was biased as it was and should have never heard the case.

    To make matters worse. She is the same judge that’s hearing his appeal.

  7. Dmmd: you are wrong on so many points. I suggest you read the facts of the story.

    But even if he was doing what you falsely claim he did, his punishment of 27 years is so out of proportion that it calls for a thorough investigation.

    And your mean spirited indifferent merciless comments makes me question your heritage. I would suggest you check your genealogy to see if you are even Jewish because if it smells like skunk and walks like a skunk and feels like a skunk then it IS A SKUNK!

  8. To: #2 dmmd

    You are an ignorant idiot. Rubashkin was acquitted on “exploiting illegal laborers”. Take your self-hating antisemitism to other web sites.

  9. Avi732
    .”Because if it smells like skunk and walks like a skunk and feels like a skunk then it IS A SKUNK!”
    Funny or ironic I should say, how you apply that to him and not to the person he is discussing…

  10. To all those saying Rubashkin is innocent of “exploiting” illegals: MOST of his full time and willing employees were illegal. He was ACQUITTED of KNOWINGLY exploiting child labor, and the other illegal immigrant charges were DROPPED without prejudice(the difference between acquitted and dropped: acquitted means that the trial was unable to prove him guilty; dropped means that the prosecutors had no need to bring the difficult-to-prove charges b/c they already got him on bank fraud). Without prejudice means that even if his appeal on the sentencing is successful, they can re-bring the immigration offenses. And likely will.

    None of what I just wrote is to say that Rubashkin wasn’t treated appallingly. His trial was a travesty of justice. He’s a clearly guilty man who deserves some prison time. Not 27 years though.

  11. Rubashkin did nothing wrong in hiring illegals.
    The eeoc website says it is against the law to even ask a potential employee if they are a legal citizen.
    This whole case against him was bogus from the beginning and was prompted and supported by 3 main groups of antisemites, which are the #1 regular non Jewish ones who hate Jews just for being Jews and #2 the animal rights fanatics who have made a bunch of lying videos falsely accusing Agriprocessors of abuse of animals and #3 the radical athiests who can’t tolerate the very idea that anyone would believe in G-d, let alone actually follow his commandments.

    In no other case in American history has the government ever gone to another country just to bring back a deported illegal just to testify against an American employer, for having hired the illegal.

  12. To #14 frumnotyeshivish:

    Reading your legalistic nonsense, I somehow doubt that you believe in your own words that “His trial was a travesty of justice”.

  13. Ujm,
    Save us the nonsensical hyperbole. Even Mr. Rubashkin would likely concede he deserved some prison time. And yesh chochma bagoyim: see comment #3 from reb mullen.

  14. moisheingolus- I was mainly responding to your previous comment in which you made a false statement regarding his “acquittal.” Everything I said is an undisputed fact (other than my prediction as to what the anti-Semitic USAO will do if he wins on appeal). Do you dispute my version of events? How?

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