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Now It’s Democrats Who Want ‘Obamacare’ Delayed

obcA growing number of the president’s allies are worried about political fallout from glitches in the administration’s health insurance website.

Seven Senate Democrats want the White House to postpone parts of the law while contractors and the government work out kinks that have kept many consumers from signing up.

West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin is co-sponsoring a bill to delay the $95 penalty for not enrolling.

Six other Democrats up for re-election next year are asking to postpone the March 31 enrollment deadline. They are Sens. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Udall of Colorado, Tom Udall of New Mexico, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mark Begich of Alaska and Kay Hagan of North Carolina.


One Response

  1. dems know once obamacare train-wreck goes into eefect it will be a massive disaster and all dems up for reelection will lose, the gop will take over the house and senate in 2014 by a landslide…

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