Failures Surface

not-my-fault-republican-congress-are-shopaholics-4c2c59_2_21The leading contractors on the Obama administration’s troubled health insurance website told Congress Thursday that the government failed to thoroughly test the complicated system before it went live.

Executives of CGI Federal, which built the federal website serving 36 states, and QSSI, which designed the part that helps verify applicants’ income and other personal details, testified under oath before the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The contractors said they each tested their own components independently but that the Health and Human Services department was responsible for testing the whole system from end to end. That kind of testing didn’t happen until the last couple of weeks before the system’s Oct. 1 launch.

It quickly crashed once consumers tried to use it.

Representing QSSI, Andrew Slavitt told the committee that ideally, end-to-end testing should have occurred well before the launch, with enough time to correct flaws.

How much time?

“Months would be nice,” said Slavitt.

“We would have loved to have months,” concurred CGI vice president Cheryl Campbell.

The administration’s determination to go live on Oct. 1 despite qualms about testing quickly became a focus of the hearing, which turned sharply partisan at times.

Republicans, still committed to repealing Obama’s health care law, approached the questioning with a prosecutorial tone, leading New Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone to call the whole exercise a “monkey court.”

The contractors did say the problems can and are being fixed on a daily basis, and they expressed confidence that uninsured Americans would have coverage by Jan. 1, when the law’s benefits take effect, though they would not be held to a timetable.

The hearing comes as President Barack Obama’s allies are starting to fret about the political fallout. Democrats had hoped to run for re-election next year on the benefits of the health care law for millions of uninsured Americans. Instead, computer problems are keeping many consumers from signing up through new online markets.

One House Democrat says the president needs to “man up” and fire somebody, while others are calling for signup deadlines to be extended and a reconsideration of the penalties individuals will face next year if they remain uninsured.

Rep. Richard Nolan, D-Minn., told The Associated Press the computer fiasco has “damaged the brand” of the health care law.

“The president needs to man up, find out who was responsible, and fire them,” Nolan said. He did not name anyone.

The focus on the contractors is a first step for GOP investigators. After the failure of their drive to defund “Obamacare” by shutting down the government, Republicans have suddenly been handed a new line of attack by the administration itself. Administration officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, are to testify next week.

Slavitt, representing QSSI’s parent company, said the operation’s virtual back room, known as the federal data hub, is working well despite some bugs.

But his company was also involved with another part of the system, a balky component for registering individual consumer accounts that became an online bottleneck.

Slavitt acknowledged the registration system had problems but said they’ve largely been cleared away.

And he also laid blame on the administration, saying that a late decision to require consumers to create accounts before they could browse health plans contributed to the overload.

“This may have driven higher simultaneous usage of the registration system that wouldn’t have occurred if consumers could window-shop anonymously,” he said.

Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Pa., chairman of the panel’s health subcommittee, said he wants to focus on the administration’s decision not to allow browsing, or window-shopping. That’s a standard feature of e-commerce sites, including for seniors. Lack of a browsing capability forced all users to first go through the laborious process of creating accounts, overloading that part of the site.

“Who made that decision? When was it made? Why was it made?” Pitts asked.

Without proof, some Republicans are suggesting it was done for political reasons, so shoppers could first see tax credits that work a like discount on their premiums.

Acknowledging what’s been obvious to many outside experts, the administration now says the system didn’t get enough testing, especially at a high user volume. It blamed a compressed time frame for meeting the Oct. 1 deadline to open the insurance markets. Basic “alpha and user testing” are now completed, but that’s supposed to happen before a launch, not after.

Meanwhile, House Democrats are starting to worry aloud about persistent problems with the rollout.

Former White House chief of staff Bill Daley, interviewed Thursday on “CBS This Morning,” said that Obama “can’t just get stuck on this for the next several weeks.” As for calls that Sebelius be fired, Daley said that would be like firing the captain of the Titanic “after the ship hit the iceberg.”

Obama says he’s as frustrated as anyone and has promised a “tech surge” to fix the balky website. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration will be more transparent about the problems. After more than 20 days without briefing the media, HHS will start regular sessions on Thursday, he said.

In light of the computer problems, some Democrats are saying Obama should consider extending open enrollment season beyond March 31 and revisit the penalties for individuals who don’t sign up and remain uninsured. Under the law, virtually all Americans must carry health insurance starting next year or face fines.

On that point, a change in the timeline for signing up for coverage is underway, the White House said. Consumers have until Dec. 15 to apply for coverage that’s effective Jan. 1. Even though open enrollment lasts until March 31, people would face a penalty if they postpone buying coverage beyond mid-February. Calling that a “disconnect,” the White House said officials will soon issue policy guidance allowing consumers to sign up by the end of March without penalty.



3 Responses

  1. Well they messed up, now they want to blame Obama? Non sense.

    The only reason why they even have the audacity to blame Obama, because they know that that’s what the house Republicans want to hear, and anything negative on Obama will be taken for granted. And they will not look into the heart of the problem. (Like they did with fast and furious. They gave out a report suggesting more government oversight over the ATF, while ignoring the core problems that let the failure, like lax gun laws that didn’t allow them to make arrests, outdated background checks, Arizona law that doesn’t allow them to keep all the info over gun purchases in a database [It took them 2 years to get a full list of all gun purchases to identify the 20 biggest gun buyers], but the Republicans didn’t care, they just wanted to blame Obama.)

    Who is at fault why the system wasn’t available for testing months before? And what exactly is wrong?(Even if they didn’t have testing time, something doesn’t work as it should).

    Bottom line blame Obama.

  2. $640,000,000 for a program that should have cost under 1,000,000 that would have worked [various computer designers said they were able to do this] given to a firm out of country that were fired for failure to deliver a workable easier problem and you don’t want to hold obama responsible. he hire sebelius and today when she is suppose to testify conveniently not available. No private company would put up with this nonsense. Under obumma we have a DOJ head who is guilty of lying under oath, failure to persecute the new black panthers, a irs who leader targeted Republicans and conservative, a DOJ who went after rich companies with threats of crimes after giving money to the Republicans during 2012. this administration she all be impeached. This administration instead of being the most open is the mosT corrupt. America start complaining orwe will end up a communist country. TAKING FROM THE RICH TO GIVE TO THE POOR DOES NOT WORK. NEVER HAS NEVER WILL

  3. Quite amazing that it seems NO ONE was trying hard to make Obama look good wIth this project. That means they can’t stand him either.

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