LISTEN & BE INSPIRED! BRAND NEW ABIE ROTENBERG SONG: Lezchus Refua Shelaima For Chaim Avraham Zalman Ben Kreindel Nechama Bracha



Avi Silver is a young man (early 20’s) who is desperately ill with Cancer. He was diagnosed one year ago and his condition has slowly deteriorated. This morning he was in a crisis situation and although he’s been stabilized, he remains in great Sakana.

He and his incredible Mother (Bracha Silver) have exhibited extraordinary Emunah in Hashem throughout their ordeal and they have been supported by an incredibly involved group of friends in Toronto, as well as the North American community of Jewish Music artists and of course Chai Lifeline.

Avi has had Mordechai Ben David, Baruch Chait, Abie Rotenberg, Yaakov Shwekey, Lipa Shmeltzer, Sheya Mendlowitz, and many many other renowned performers sing at his bedside. Kumsitzes have been commonplace in their living room – which has become a sort of Mikdash Me’at for T’fila, Bitachon – through the medium of Jewish Music.

A while back Avi was hospitalized and while visiting, Abie Rotenberg offered to write a song in honor of Avi. Avi and Bracha chose the words HASHEM, SHIMAH B’KOLI – TIHYENA AZNEICHA KASHUVOS L’KOL TACHANUNAI. Abie wrote music to those words and an arrangement was crafted by Toronto musician and engineer Eli Woznica. Abie, Baruch Levine, Reb Baruch Chait, Rivie and Eli Schwebel and Shlomo Simcha lent their voices to the recording – which was mixed and mastered LAST NIGHT! This morning it was emailed to the hospital and Avi and Bracha listened to it for the first time.

We hope and pray that all who listen to this song will be inspired to elevate these special words of Dovid Ha’melech and storm the heavens on behalf of CHAIM AVRAHAM ZALMAN ben KREINDEL NECHAMA BRACHA, bringing Refuos and Yeshuos to him and all those in need of Rachamei Shomayim.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. You should not put HaShem’s name on the page. There are poskim that hold that you are not allowed to take it off the screen, that is considered erasing His name.

  2. Tizkeh Limitzovs to everybody involved.
    There will be a download available of the mastered version sometime in the future. (This is the unmastered version).

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