Poll: NY Residents Divided Over Health Care Law

healthA new poll has found more New York state residents who favor moving ahead with the new health care law than those who want to repeal it.

A Siena poll released Tuesday found 43 percent of respondents saying they want to see the law go forward. Another 32 percent say the law should be put on hold until it’s workable and affordable and 22 percent want it repealed.

Democrats were far more supportive than Republicans of the law, which remains controversial. Other polls have shown Americans are just as likely to say it was a bad idea as a good one.

The Siena telephone poll of 822 registered voters was conducted Oct. 14-16. It has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.


9 Responses

  1. I am going to repeat this metaphor until all New Yorkers agree that Obamacare is the greatest idea since sliced bread.

    Here it is: Imaging that homeless people (i.e., people without health insurance) can buy a home (i.e., health insurance) at a substantial discounts off previously prevailing prices. But when they get to the red house over yonder (i.e, health insurance), the keys won’t unlock the door (i.e., the web site by which they purchase the insurance as some serious technical problems). So should they give back the house (i.e., defund Obamacare) or call a locksmith (i.e., call a computer software smith who can make the web site work)?

    So that’s the metaphor. The schmendrick wing of the Republican party would give back the house.

  2. So much misinformation. Especially about the costs. Please look at kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/
    Very objective website.
    Good information.

  3. nfgo3: Why should I pay so that a homeless person should be able to buy a house?! I don’t have a house! Your post misses the whole point of what is upsetting people. Obama lied to us. I can’t keep my old insurance because of him. And my healthcare expenses are going up because of him. But according to your logic, that should make me happy because now homeless people can have health insurance. I’m very happy that homeless people can have health insurance, but not when it comes out of my pocket. I can’t afford that. Obama said don’t worry, not only will it not cost you but it’s going to save you money! What a liar.

  4. 1. You are the epitome of what we call the unintelligent, uninformed voter. All this unmitigated disaster has done so far is show people that the prices will go up regardless of what Oblamo said. Our premiums are going up, our coverages are going down, we cannot keep our doctors, and we are all losing our policies despite the fact that Oblahblah said that wouldn’t happen. It’s time to recall the entire sSocialist Democrat Party and sue them for gross incompetence!

  5. 2. I find that info suspect however even if somewhat true, I see that my insurance cost are going to go up at least 50 percent and that’s before the higher deductible.

    Thanks for nothing alll you stinking Democrats. I hope you rot in purgatory!

  6. 5. You didn’t go to the Kaiser website.

    It doesn’t talk about deductibles, because the insurance companies in the marketplaces are privately run with only the minimal coverages and maximum deductibles covered by the ACA and the rates meet maximum overhead criteria. And the stocks for the health care industry have surged since ACA was signed into law — it was a gift to the insurance companies. (But the whole stock market surged. Perhaps they appreciate Obama?)

    But this doesn’t affect people who get insurance from their boss, medicare, VA or medi-aid.

  7. nfgo,

    let me throw the parable back at you, the door doesnt open to a dalapidated house that could fall any second and the reason the door doesnt open is bc its stuck and if its open the whole house will collapse

  8. 6. For your information I DID INDEED go to the website. I know you think they are g-ds gift to the world because they are out in LA LA Land but they arent. I lived in LA and their hospitals STINK!

    Next, I ran my numbers and because my income isnt high enough for ObamaCare, they will put us on medicaid (for that I could be a lazy dog like others). Thanks loads but our kids need real doctors and NOT what medicaid wants us to have! Also, since we have a few states within one hour of driving, WE CANNOT be limited to our state! We have docs in surrounding states and we MUST keep them!!!

    This crock of bull manure was sold to WE THE PEOPLE and it was a COMPLETE LIE! This is oh so typical of the democrats because you guys cannot run on your truth because if you did, you might only get 20% of the vote! So you have to lie your faces off and make it sound good so the unintelligent & uninformed voter will pull the lever for you.

    My original statement stands: “Thanks for nothing all you stinking Democrats. I hope you rot in purgatory!”

  9. I can’t believe that no one has picked up on my Hendrix/blues allusion – least of all the highly informed and intelligent commenter no. 4.

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