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Israel: Not Such a Better Place

bplWith the collapse of the Better Place electric car network in Israel, the owners of the new environmentally friendly vehicles are concerned regarding the infrastructure that permits charging and exchanging batteries for the cars.

Israel Electric Company on Tuesday morning 19 Cheshvan 5774 sent a message to the electric car owners explaining the utility company is not going to continue powering charging stations around the country. IEC blames the mounting debt of the charging stations for its decision.

IEC released a statement explaining it has done everything possible to reach agreement regarding the outstanding debt with some of the companies that have taken over the operation but it appears no one is willing to undertake paying the accumulated debt.

The utility company is giving clients until 29 October to make arrangements to put the charging stations at their home in their own name to enable continued service. Any electric car owner that has not made arrangement will be cut off following the given date.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. You really should change the title, which has no relevance to the actual article and is also motzei laaz on E”Y like the actions of the meraglim.

  2. menachem, I thought that too at first, but in truth it doesn’t say EY, only “Israel”, so nothing to do with the meraglim,
    and btw, in case you were wondering, yes, I do live in EY

  3. They shouldn’t change the title because in all jokes there’s a bit of truth. Maybe they really do mean what they say. At least they’re honest.

  4. Strange how the IEC can bear the Billions of Shekels debt the PLO owes it but can not find an accommodation for this.

  5. The headline refers to the concept as much as the company. The idea was interesting, but didn’t work. Given that Israel has trouble getting petroleum, it obviously should aspire to find ways to use other forms of energy when possible, but this idea didn’t work. It was, however, a novel solution to the problem of electric batteries being too weak to use for automobiles.

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