A special vaccination drive took place in the Chareidi community in London on Motzei Shabbos, coordinated by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), the Hatzalah organization of London, and The Interlink Foundation.
The vaccination drive was advertised in frum neighborhoods, with everyone over age 65 urged to come be vaccinated. Local non-Jews, including Muslims, also showed up and were warmly greeted and vaccinated by frum health professionals. There were male nurses available to vaccinate men and female nurses for the women.
Health authorities in the UK are trying to reach every sector in the country and the drive in the Chareidi community on Motzei Shabbos was the first cooperative effort between the government and a local community. Many Asksanim and Rabbanim were present and Nadhim Zahawi, the UK’s vaccination czar, spoke at the event.

The goal of the initiative is to organize vaccination drives within specific communities, where community members can be vaccinated by people within their own communities in order to put them at ease and encourage as many community members to be vaccinated as possible.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
8 Responses
very good
Vaccinating the black Africans would be a bigger kiddush Hashem?
Anything and everything we do that is ‘רצון ה us unto itself a ‘קידוש ה. Something like this may or may not be!
Can I assume now that in our all Jewish town, where all the nurses hired by the Kupat cholim are Arabs, that that is called a Arabian Kiddush?
This is not a story that requires a “kiddush HaShem” headline.
Regardless of whether you think the vaccine is good or not, it’s just not shyach to describe it primarily as a Kiddush HaShem.
Yiddin performing mitzvos as commanded, and spreading awareness of HaShem in the world (including towards other Yiddin) is being meKaddish HaShem, nothing to do with falling in line with current goyish opinions of what is right.
Nobody will report this. It goes against the liberal paradigm of Jews Bad.
Don’t expect bigoted despicable Haaretz to report this…