Want Some Cholent With Your Vaccine? Free Cholent In Bnei Brak At Vaccine Drive

Cholent (Flicker); An ultra-Orthodox man receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Israel last week. (Photo: AP/Oded Balilty)

As Israel’s vaccination drive slows down to a crawl, with vaccination centers sitting empty in recent days, the city of Bnei Brak decided to offer an incentive to city residents who show up to be vaccinated on Thursday night – a yeshivah bochur’s dream – free cholent.

Vaccination centers in Bnei Brak will stay open until midnight on Thursday and cholent and snacks will be offered.

Only 17% of the resident of Bnei Brak have received the first dose of the vaccine and 9% have received both doses, according to Health Ministry data.

Optica Halperin, a popular optical chain in Israel, recently published an advertisement offering a free pair of frames to anyone who was fully vaccinated.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. BS”D
    “…with vaccination centers sitting empty…….”

    Why don’t they believe that the pharmaceutical companies and the government knows what’s best for them?

    Maybe the government should lock up the 83% who won’t be vaccinated.

  2. Bribing and lying – how low do they stoop and grovel to force compliance and submission.
    Haman paid 10k kikar kaisaif. Choidesh tov!

  3. BS”D
    What will the police do when they see that 83% of the people are not wearing masks?
    What will they do when 83% of small businesses are open, ignoring the supposed health measures.

  4. It’s interesting how people shov sass Torah in your face, saying it’s assur to go against the gedolim. But when it becomes relevant to your life (getting the vaccine, wearing masks), where all the big gedolim said to do so, all of a sudden everyone thinks they know better. Ridiculous.

  5. It’s interesting how people shove daas Torah in your face, saying it’s assur to go against the gedolim. But when it becomes relevant to your life (getting the vaccine, wearing masks), where all the big gedolim said to do so, all of a sudden everyone thinks they know better. Ridiculous.

  6. Basmelech 1- I’ve just finished a 2 hour volunteer stint in the co-vid ward of Shaarey Tzeddek Yerusholayim. If you’re over 50, OR overweight- GET VACCINATED!!!

    When you see frum Yeiden- nebech- lined up gasping for air-complaining they are going to die, you realise the ‘risks’ of the vaccine are NOTHING compared to a serious case of co-vid…..

    Hashem Yerachem!!!

  7. The 83% number is a little misleading because they aren’t giving vaccines to anyone that has covid-19 already and a good percentage of bb already had it.

  8. Most of Bnei Brak has had Covid already and is therefore not ELIGIBLE for the vaccine.
    Also, no one under 16 is eligible either. Are these statistics including children, who make up a very large percentage of Bnei Brak.

  9. Katch, that’s why this is a gevaltike and inspired program. Cholent consumption will encourage others to socially distance from you until the vaccine takes effect!

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