Israel: So Much Good-Will & Mechila

resized_DSC_4712As the smoke settles and the official results of the municipal elections become apparent, some of the winners released statements sending messages to their opponents.

In Elad, Sruly Porush hailed the victory for the rabbonim shlita, thanking them for their support. He added there will not be machlokes in the city and he will be everyone’s mayor, including those who did not vote for him.

In Yerushalayim Mayor Nir Barkat announced that as he did in his first term in office, he will serve all the residents of the capital, including those who did not vote for him.

Regarding the chareidim, the mayor stated he does not bear grudges and “There is no anger towards anyone.” He sent an invitation to the chareidim to join the new coalition. The mayor however did add “all are welcome in the coalition but it is not going to be the same as in the last term”, perhaps sending a message to the chareidim who backed Leon in the election that they must prepare for a new reality.

Rumors leaking from Avraham Kroizer, the mayor’s advisor on chareidi affairs, shortly after polls closed on Tuesday night indicated Chaim Epstein of the Bnei Torah party will find himself in a prominent position in City Hall as the party did not endorse Moshe Leon as Yahadut Hatorah and Shas did.

And yet even more good-will, this time in Beit Shemesh, as second term Mayor Moshe Abutbul announced “all are forgiven”, explaining he does not hold a grudge against those who ridiculed or slandered him during the months of the campaign and hope to form his new council and get on with the business of running the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. THANKS YWN!!!!!This article enforces lashon tov, optimism, hopefully forgiving one another and more achdus.
    A newspaper or website like this has such a huge koach ad with these elections you came out strong. You made sure not to belittle any rabbanim. And say it the way it should be said as maminim bnei maminim. Toda Rabba!

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