Hashem Yerachem: An Avreich Assaults R’ Shteinman Shlita [UPDATED]


One might have thought that now, with the municipal elections behind us, calm would return to the chareidi communities. One might have also believed there are lines that are never crossed.

An avreich, a resident of Modi’in Illit traveled to Bnei Brak, to the home of the Rosh Yeshiva. It appears that the avreich who tried to assault the rosh yeshiva davened in his home this morning.

HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita was in the midst of giving a shiur in his home. The avreich got up and began yelling at Rav Shteinman to “change your hashkafa and return to the correct derech.” There are conflicting reports if the assailant succeeded in slapping and/or punching the gadol hador before being subdued, but it is reported the rosh yeshiva stated he is not feeling well and his physician was summoned.

Needless to say those present were shocked and horrified. The rosh yeshiva’s bnei bayis quickly took hold of the avreich and restrained him while police were summoned. The man was placed under arrest. The rosh yeshiva’s grandson was apparently overwhelmed by the incident and collapsed, passing out.

Police decided to keep a patrol car near the rosh yeshiva’s home fearing the election spillover may prompt other deranged individuals to act in a similar fashion. Members of the local Shomrim arrived as well and they report that they managed to subdue the man before he could actually strike the gadol hador.

Rav Shteinman’s personal physician, Professor Weinberger was summoned to the rav’s home to check him out after the incident, for the rosh yeshiva stated he does not feel well.

UPDATE: According to Ichud Hatzalah EMT Uzi Barak a call was received for “screams coming from the rav’s home”. He was among the first responders on the scene. According to the information received from people present, it appears the 28-year-old assailant did indeed strike the gadol hador and shouted “I’ll kill you” at him R”L.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

32 Responses

  1. how terrible when frum people resort to violence to air their differences.

    this person is probably a mentally unstable individual, but here in jerusalem I saw much fighting (hitting and name calling) all in the name of elections. feh!

  2. There’s a lot of tension going on between the litvish chareidim in eretz yisroel. The rabbanim have got to come together. It’s clear that R shteinman and R’ shmuel both have chilukei deyos lsheim shamayim ; their shitos in dealing with some stuff are clearly different. But they have got to meet somewhere and find a way of becoming one for the sake of the people.

  3. This unfortunately confirms what many are saying – if the more moderate Charedim don’t protest to stop the spread of the more extremist elements in the Charedi world they may suffer more than anyone else.

  4. Why is this chillul Hashem being spread? Maran Shlit”a of Beit Shemesh calls for an increase in Limud Hatorah and Mussar! Shuvu Shuvu!!Heed the call!!

  5. Animals Animal Animals. Shame on people who try to assault Rabbanim or send death threats to Rabbanim this not how Charidei people act. This is a major Chillul Hashem.

  6. This person is obviously very disturbed. Any person that can hit and threaten to kill the gadol hadar is clearly not in the right state of mind. The gadol should have a refua shelyama

  7. Geula (no. 4) makes an excellent point. I’m hopeful that some neutral figure (Rav Wosner, shlita, has done such things in the past, or maybe some respected figure from chutz la’aretz) will step in and try to calm things down. There was an very long article in last Friday’s HaPeles by a Rosh Yeshiva from Ponevich giving an excellent perspective on this disturbing situation and its background, for anyone who can get hold of it. Hashem ya’azor.

  8. Klal Yisroel, I’m afraid you’re wrong. this type of incident happens when the atmosphere has been poisoned by sinas chinom.

  9. intemperate language is a part of the problem. when disagreement is not allowed, extremism is encouraged. after we throw this non-avreich, hardly av bechokmah and also not rakh beshanim, into jail, send him to the army

  10. Dear Geula.
    Any statement that says “the gedolim should…..” presupposes that you know better than them what to do,so what would be the point of them doing it-just to push your agenda?

  11. There is a lesson to be learned! violence strikes back home. I have no doubt the curses given out by R’ Shteinman and others had an effect on today’s story.

    I’m not answering this (probably done by an insane person) act, but that’s the nature of the beast. If you condone violence, it strikes back home. The Satmars learned it a long time ago, now both of them have a zero tolerance to violence.

    A few years ago when some Kanuim from Jerusalem protested agains Nachal Chareidi, infornt of R’ Shteinman’s house, they were beaten up by the Shteinman gang. At the end it strikes back home.

    It’s just reality everywhere, it’s time to learn a lesson.

  12. #4, maybe it’s not Lesheim Shumeim, maybe it’s just politics as in every democratic country in the world. Maybe it’s just a power struggle?

  13. “It’s clear that R shteinman and R’ shmuel both have chilukei deyos lsheim shamayim ” AND SO DOES THE TOV PARTY.
    There has to be diversity in the name of Charedi hashkafa as there was in Europe, Jewish arabic countries, and America and Canada.

  14. #5, you’re right. It is my understanding that this is what the TOV party was attempting to do, i.e. galvanize sensible Chareidim. We see how that worked out.

  15. Shoot and kill. To defend oneself one should have shot and killed the attacker. What if the attacker had a gun or a sharp knife. I hate to think about it R’L.

  16. This entire story needs checking out.
    There were tefillos tonight in Kiryat Sefer for the “attacker”,who apparently collapsed while holding the Rov’s hand,pulling him over.The rest is apparently,creative reporting of the secular press,and police victimisation.
    Details unclear,but it needs checking out.

  17. Tonight there was a kenes in Modiin Illit in response to this morning’s development. There, the Rav of the community read a letter written by the avrech’s family saying that this avrech unfortunately has psychological issues and is, in fact, part of the gimmel party (Rav Shteinman’s own party!), the family voted gimmel. Please keep this in mind when you comment….

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