UTJ MK Moshe Gafni To Lead Party, Replacing Litzman After 18 Years

United Torah Judaism party meeting

In a first in almost 20 years, the United Torah Judaism party announced a rotation in leadership, with Degel HaTorah MK Moshe Gafni to replace MK Yaakov Litzman of Agudas Yisrael, who has led the party for the last 18 years.

Gafni will lead the party and Litzman will switch places with Gafni and be number two on the list ahead of the March 23 elections.

MK Uri Maklev will be number three on the list, followed by MKs Meir Porush, Yaakov Asher, Yaakov Tessler, Yitzchak Pindrus, and Yisrael Eichler.

Registration for parties to submit their list of candidates for the upcoming elections to the Central Elections Committee opened on Wednesday.

The deadline to submit lists is Thursday at midnight. Party lists cannot be changed once they are submitted.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. It looks like only two out of nine of the politicians in the picture are wearing masks for a picture that is made to be public. Is that wise for the party that is supposed to representing Israeli Chareidi Jewry to publicize disregard for the laws?

  2. To CTRebbe: Perhaps these Chareidim want to promote the observance of Halachah to the exclusion of secular law. To be clear, I am not saying they do or they don’t, but some Chareidim clearly have disdain for secular law and science-based medicine and epidemiology, or they would wear masks and practice social distancing.

    Hey, huju, why do you call it “science-based” medicine. Doesn’t the term “medicine” necessarily imply science?

    Hey, prior paragraph author: Not on this website.

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