Rubio Offers Bill to Delay Health Care Law Penalty

rubioSen. Marco Rubio says he’ll introduce legislation to delay the penalty that can be assessed on individuals who don’t buy insurance under the government’s new health care law.

The Florida Republican says people should not be punished for not buying the insurance when major technical problems have plagued the online sign-up process. Uninsured Americans have until about mid-February to sign up for coverage if they are to meet the law’s requirement that they be insured by the end of March. If they don’t, they will face a penalty.

Rubio said on “CBS This Morning” show Tuesday that he still believes the health care law itself should be repealed.

President Barack Obama on Monday acknowledged technical problems that he described as “kinks in the system.”


One Response

  1. This is more practical than trying to defund. Many people who currently have what they consider to be suitable health insurance will be subject to penalties for not switching to Obamacare (typically because Obamacare will cost more and provide fewer services and exclude preferred doctors). A better solution would be to allow people to use the penalty money to pay for medical services or private health insurance, rather than turning it over to the IRS.

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