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Lhota Still Far Behind, New Internal Poll Shows

LHOTA CHANGELhota’s attempts to increase his support as Election day nears seems to have little effect on voters who are locked in to grant Bill de Blasio a mandate to lead the City as the next mayor. A new poll commissioned earlier this week by New York Progress PAC — a coalition of labor unions raising money independently to support mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio — shows de Blasio trouncing Republican candidate Joe Lhota 66% to 21%.

The poll shows only a small shift in the numbers when voters learned positive things about Lhota and hear more attacks against de Blasio, the Daily News reports.

When voters were read a positive biographical introduction of Joe Lhota, followed by attacks he has lobbed at his opponent, the Republican candidate moved from 21% to 28% support, according to the poll.

“This clearly shows that Bill De Blasio’s message about making New York more livable for working families has resonated throughout the city,” said Hector Figueroa, president of 32BJ SEIU.

The Lhota campaign dismissed the results as biased.

“Breaking news! A poll paid for by Mr. de Blasio’s special interest cronies paints him favorably,” said spokeswoman Jessica Proud. “The only thing New Yorkers can take away from this is how desperate the unions are to get their big-spending candidate in office. This poll should come with a ‘taxpayers beware’ disclaimer.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. Any Jew who supports a Communist is an enemy of HaShem and dangerous misguided Erav-Rav. I know what i am talking about. I lived through communist oppression.

  2. De Blasio’s record on the City Council and as Public Advocate is anything but Communist. Lhota has not given voters a reason to vote for him.

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