Chesed 24/7 Holds Annual Catskills Shabbaton

chesed-821This past weekend, SHARE 24/7, a division of Chesed 24/7, held its annual Shabbaton in the Catskills.  Over 60 individuals with developmental disabilities were treated to an unforgettable getaway that is the highlight of their year.  As one young wheel-chair bound participant remarked, “I want it to be next year already so we can go again!”

Chesed 1070The goal of SHARE 24/7’s retreat is to give these special individuals a weekend that is focused exclusively on them – their fun, their growth, their comfort.  To achieve this goal, SHARE 24/7’s incredible team of staff and volunteers created non-stop entertainment and activities that filled the weekend with laughter and fun. Their constant positive energy and combined creative forces made it an unparalleled experience for every single Shabbaton participant.

Pulling out all the stops, the weekend was filled with beautiful Shabbos meals complete with inspirational zemiros, games, activities, nature walks, a juggling show and a sensational concert featuring exciting live music and spirited dancing.  The highlight of the Motzei Shabbos concert was watching all the participants hand in hand, arm in arm, new friends and old friends, joined together as one.  Every person was included and made to feel like an important member of the party. All differences and disabilities melted away leaving only the bonds of friendship and love.

After a fun-filled farewell BBQ on Sunday, the participants went back home on a high. The positive energy was palpable; everyone felt like they had received a much-needed energy boost.


(YWN – Studio B)

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