LCSW Releases Statement Regarding Radio Interference Incidents

lcsw[In response to the earlier article about the emergency radio interference]

“The Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch fully supports and applauds the actions of Lakewood Police in regards to the interference of children with radio frequencies.

This behavior has been an ongoing problem. We believe that the issue is simply one of a lack of education and awareness regarding the damage that this behavior results in. Parents are unaware that by providing their children with this equipment, the children are preventing emergency personnel from doing their jobs properly.

By interfering with emergency frequencies, the children are tying up the air waves, preventing dispatchers from getting messages out, and preventing volunteers from staying in tune with what’s going on within the organization.

In addition, parents do not realize that their own children are put in harm’s way by tracking the news they’ve heard on the radio and following it to potentially dangerous situations, such as where criminals are on the loose.

We thank the Lakewood Police Department for always supporting the local volunteer organizations.”

(Source: TLS)

5 Responses

  1. Can some one explain why they are making a big fuss about kids using radios, And have no problem with the Twitter accounts sending out every Hatzolah call and sending out emergency Calls to 1000s of people. Why isn’t this stopped? It’s a breach in privacy! What do you expect from kids they also want to know what’s going on, so they have the radios, if parents would not be following every single call, then children would also know that they do not have to follow every call, You can’t expect to tell children that the emergency frequencies are dedicated for emergency responders only, when every emergency is public knowledge. stop all the twitter account and apps to be able to hear all the calls if u want to stop the kids.

  2. This has been an ongoing problem. My son dispatches for one of the emergency organizations in town and I have heard first hand how these kids interrupt dispatches by making silly statements,yelling into the radios and even putting out fake dispatches of their own. The extra time it takes to shut them up and rebroadcast the dispatch can be the difference between life and death. The kids think it’s a joke when the dispatchers reprimand them and try to get them off the air, but it’s not the least bit funny and, in my opinion, it should be a criminal offense to interrupt emergency broadcasts.

  3. #2 what a dumb comparison these kids are on the same frequency that police and emergency agencies are on interfering with dispatches. Not WRITING on wittier
    There parents should be arrested since there are laws being broken. But your response is typical for Lakewood. Ever try to drive in town u take your life I’m your hands

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