Thompson Charges Hynes Using Gov’t Resources For Campaign Purposes

thomThe campaign of Democrat Ken Thompson is charging the incumbent Charles Hynes is using government resources for campaign purposes, as he relaunched his reelection campaign on the Republican line.

According to a report, the resources used for campaign purposes included his campaign manager using his work email to communicate with political consultants about canvassing reports.

In an email to the press, the Thompson campaign also charged that last month, Hynes’s campaign violated the New York State Bar Association’s rule forbidding Assistant District Attorneys from participating in campaign ad promoting a sitting DA.

From this report, which includes photos of Hynes’ emails:

“Hynes periodically circulated his canvassing reports to Brooklyn DA staff (using its official email system) to bolster staff confidence in his electoral prospects…He also uses staff email to promote fundraising for his campaign. Yesterday, Chapin Fay, his campaign manager, sent out emails to Brooklyn DA staff, including ADAs, promoting his fundraisers that night and two nights later. It is a violation of the New York State Bar’s ethics advisories to do this.”

Reached for a comment, the Hynes campaign went on the offense.

“We agree with the Ex-con Clarence Norman-run Thompson campaign that this race will be won or lost on the issue of maintaining the integrity of the Brooklyn DA’s office,” Chapin Fay, Hynes campaign director, told YWN. “Clarence Norman is one of the most notorious corrupt party bosses in New York City history and he’s looking to make his comeback with Ken Thompson in the Brooklyn DA’s office. As Brooklynites learn that a felon convicted of corrupting the court system is running the other guy’s campaign, the choice is becoming clear.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. no david greenfeld had a meeting with ken thompson who he claimed will target jews and now he will support him, what a flip flop, he is joining hikind’s candidate

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