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Bnei Torah Party: We Are Not Pulling Out

aurAs Degel Hatorah officials remain hopeful the Bnei Torah party will withdraw from the election before Tuesday, 18 Cheshvan 5774, Election Day, Bnei Torah officials signal this will not occur. In the election for Knesset last year, the split off faction of Degel did ultimately back down and drop out of the race but now signals this will not be the case in the upcoming municipal elections.

Using the party-affiliated HaPeles newspaper, party officials send a clear message to the public at large, that it plans to compete for the litvish chareidi vote on Election Day in line with instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

Most speculate that Bnei Torah is less than likely to gain a seat in the Jerusalem election while it will do sufficient damage to cost Degel an additional seat. However Bnei Torah campaign officials see a different scenario, quite confident the party will earn a minimum of one seat at the Jerusalem City Council table.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. #1 Does he have a name BTW?

    Rav Shmuel Averbach should run his party and make the monopoly of ONE PARTY FOR ONE PEOPLE. He will surely gain a well-deserved seat..

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