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Sanz Rebbe Instructs Kallah To Vote In Municipal Elections On Her Wedding Day

sanz.jpgWith the municipal elections in Israel just days away, 18 Cheshvan 5774, many members of the chareidi tzibur are questioning if voting is important, worthwhile or necessary.

In his day, the Chazon Ish ZT”L ZY”A instructed the tzibur to vote for he understood many Torah mosdos are dependent on the outcome of elections.

On Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan 5774, a kallah and her father visited the Sanzer Rebbe Shlita, seeking a bracha ahead of her chasenah, which is scheduled for Election Day. The rebbe welcomed them warmly and gave the kallah a warm bracha. Before leaving the rebbe’s presence, the father asked the rebbe if the kallah must vote since she will be quite busy on Election Day.

Kikar Shabbat quotes the rebbe saying “This is a rare special mitzvah that will work towards the kallah’s zechuyos.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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