Eichler: Rabin Didn’t Think of Harming the Torah World

rabin.jpgMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Yisrael Eichler used the Knesset Yitzchak Rabin memorial session marking 18 years since the assassination of the prime minister to address the reprehensible anti-chareidi atmosphere in Israel that exists today. Eichler pointed out that even today, 18 years later; there is still an effort to disqualify an entire segment of the population and the disdain and hate for the chareidim seems to have increased.

“Defense Minister Yitzchak Rabin never thought for a moment to harm the Torah world or yeshivos and this was not because of coalition considerations. Agudas Yisrael was in opposition for twenty years, from the days of Ben-Gurion to Begin. No one questioned the contribution to the to the very existence of the nation being made by those immersed in Torah study. Rabin saw them as an integral component of the nation’s defense no less than any of the units in the Homefront Command.”

Eichler added that he too believes that incitement and hateful words can lead to murder and today this is the case concerning the chareidi community, which is vilified in the media daily.

“For years we have been at the forefront to defend those who wear yarmulkes against the actions of one criminal who wore a yarmulke. We viewed the inclusion of the entire dati leumi community as being responsible for the murder of Rabin a crime and a grave injustice against honest innocent people, those who love Eretz Yisrael, those in the yishuvim and communities around the country. But our fellow dati leumi Jews do not reciprocate” Eichler added.

Eichler continued his criticism of the dati leumi community. “While we understand those who hate kippot do not differentiate between knitted and black, you folks in Bayit Yehudi still need to learn this. In the eyes of the enemies of the chareidi tzibur you too are ‘dossim’ who endanger peace in our country. You are being used now against the Torah world and yeshivos, and tomorrow, they will evict you from your homes as we have seen in the past in Gush Katif. One who lends a hand to criminals acting against Yiddishkheit ultimately hurts himself and his children. They hate your Yiddishkheit just like that hate ours.”

Eichler continued by explaining the current hostile atmosphere does not benefit anyone and it is clear the chareidim will not be able to continue living her in such an environment. Eichler warned the tzibur may be compelled to move the Torah world to the Diaspora. The chareidi MK called on the nation to learn the lesson of the Rabin assassination.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. All this talk about the “Charedi” tzibur… the “Dati Leumi” tzibur, the “chiloni” tzibur…. when are any of these self righteous folk going to finally start speaking out on behalf of the “Jewish” tzibur???

  2. Amazing. The hate in israel today is so strong, a mere 18 years after his death, rabin can be depicted as the best friend the charedim ever had.

  3. “We viewed the inclusion of the entire dati leumi community as being responsible for the murder of Rabin a crime and a grave injustice against honest innocent people, those who love Eretz Yisrael, those in the yishuvim and communities around the country. But our fellow dati leumi Jews do not reciprocate” Eichler added.

    When did Dati Leumi Jews get promoted from being Amalek and Haters of Torah to being “fellow dati leumi Jews”?

  4. iyH every Haredi Jew will move to the US and the State will collapse without their zechus and Moshiach will come as it says ”ain Ben Dovid ba ad shetichleh malchus hazulus miYisrael”

  5. I don’t know if Mr. Eichler said what is attributed to him here, because nobody can know what another person ever thought about. Secondly, I would disagree. He probably did think of it but found it politically not feasible. Ben Gurion certainly thought about it. He just figured that since the chareidi community was so small, they would disappear eventually, so what the sweat? Let it happen by itself.

  6. Mk eichler, who are you trying to fool. Rabin never looked at Torah study as an integral part of the nations defense, he needed the charedim for his ruling coalition and paid what he needed to pay to keep them satisfied – so they would leave him alone so he could do whatever he deemed fit. And you dare preach to the DL, warning them about what “they” – the enemies of Torah – will do to their beloved yishuvim, when it was you and your party who could have toppled the sharon government – yet instead you lent sharon a hand in return for 290 million nis. Phooey.

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