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President Bush Delivers Surprise Keynote Address At Conference Of Presidents Gala Dinner

bSeen in this photo is former President George W. Bush, following his address to the Fiftieth Anniversary Tribute Gala Dinner of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Fund at the Waldorf=Astoria.

More than 1200 people from around the world heard messages from President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu, and witnessed the presentation of the “Strength Through Unity” awards to past chairmen Melvin Salberg, Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, James S. Tisch, Harold Tanner, Alan Solow, Richard B. Stone, and the late June Walker, and to Malcolm Hoenlein on his more than 25 years at the helm of the Conference.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was another featured speaker along with an array of international leaders who praised the work of the Conference and cited its prominent role in American and world affairs.

Seen (left to right) are Malcolm Hoenlein, President George Bush, Robert G. Sugarman, and Melvin Salberg.

Photo Credit: ©Michael Priest Photography

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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