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Does El Al Discriminate against a Religious Job Applicant?

elalMK (Bayit Yehudi) Yoni Chetboun received a complaint from an IAF fighter pilot who is seeking employment with El Al. The young religious pilot, who we will call ‘A’, reported that he has applied for a position with El Al numerous times but he is repeatedly turned down. He feels that it is not coincidental, but his rejection is because he is shomer Shabbos.

Chetboun has been following up and questions if it is coincidental that out of 500 El Al pilots, only one is shomer Shabbos.

In response to the Srugim report, El Al denies there is any validity to the allegation, explaining it is known for respecting the values of Jewish tradition.

However, Chetboun remains undeterred and he filed a query with Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz in Knesset on Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan 5774, for he feels it is more than a coincidence.

The reserve duty fighter pilot is working for another company at present, but wishes to move to El Al. He adds that while El Al only requires 1,500 flight hours, this pilot has 8,000. The pilot has spoken with a number of El Al officials, who he reports admit the fact that he wears a yarmulke is indeed an impediment to being hired. They spoke unofficially and off the record of course.

According to Chetboun’s research, 5-7% of the graduating pilots in the IAF are shomer Shabbos and this number reflects the number of frum pilots working for Arkia and Israir, but not El Al.

“My blood is red enough to be a combat pilot but not red enough to work for El Al” A states, adding “I am saddened that after 65 years of a state it is still difficult to be religious in Israel.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. welcome to israel where discrimination is practiced against religious Jews.

    I suffered much working for the IDF the Jerusalem city and private offices since I was frum and not desired although technically excellent.

    they don’t want some one who is not part of the ‘chevra’ in their work place, period.

    one the other hand they argue that the religious don’t work. the seculars are hypocrites and don’t want to employ a frum person. period…

  2. time for all of the religious Jews to leave the so-called ”jew-ish” state – it will take away all of their zechus – the medinah will collapse and Moshiach,will come, as it says ”ein Ben David ba ad shetichle malchut hazult meYisrael”

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