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BACK TO WORK: Senate Leader Announces Bipartisan Budget Deal

ywbn1Democratic leader Harry Reid says Senate leaders have reached a bipartisan deal to avoid default and end the government shutdown, now in its 16th day.

Reid made the announcement at the start of the Senate session on Wednesday.

The deal would reopen the government through Jan. 15 and increase the nation’s borrowing authority through Feb. 7.

Reid thanked Republican leader Mitch McConnell for working out an agreement.


9 Responses

  1. There is still hope the House will object.

    The “compromise” doesn’t address any of the seriously abusive aspects of Obamacare, and does nothing to address the ruinious fiscal policies of the Obama administration. It just postpones matters. It also means the Republicans have nothing to show for the shutdown – similar to a labor union that does on strike and settles for a worse contact than they could have signed before the strike, or similar to a country to adopts a policy of appeasement and finds itself worse off when the inevitable war arrives.

  2. This Government is so Weak. They get bullied around by some higher ups. The USA is in such a mess right now. These guys know whats gona happen if these debt increases keep going. Our president and all these Governmemt dudes know we are in real serious trouble. Our kids & g-children will be paying for all this debt our president put us in. We cant get out of it! They are a real bad example.

  3. They are happy but we the people are soooooooooooooooo (word removed)!!!!!

    I will remember the cavers and the fighters from the gop wuss party. Fighters like Cruz and Lee area in. The establishment republicans are history as far as I am concerned.

  4. Cf. No. 1: There is still hope the House will not object.

    The Republicans will have to reform Obamacare the democratic (small “d”) way: by winning elections. They will also have to reverse the economic policies of the Obama administration the same way. There is still hope that they will lose the elections in 2014 and 2016.

  5. It would be the best thing for everyone if they default.
    Whats all this spending, borrowing, & waste? Its gona happen some day soon. This cant continue for long and they all know it.
    Why is this Government involved in our Insurance buisness? They are mixing in too much recently.
    Default! Face it straight up!

  6. If they cut spending to match revenue they will not default even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, because they will not need to borrow any more money. Raising the debt ceiling is an admission of defeat: “we can’t spend less than we make.”

  7. to # 6 if the government defaults chas vesholam we will forced to turn to Hashem for help!!! and that might bring the Geulah faster.

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