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NYC Councilman David Greenfield Endorses Bill de Blasio For New York City Mayor

debNew York City Councilman David G. Greenfield has endorsed Public Advocate Bill de Blasio for Mayor.

“Bill de Blasio will be a strong leader and a champion for critical issues of concern to our community,” said Councilman Greenfield. “New York needs big, bold ideas to meet the challenges before us. Bill’s focus on building more affordable housing, providing more funding for education including after-school programs and ensuring that our homeowners and small businesses get the relief they need, will make it easier to live, work and raise a family in New York. I have known Bill de Blasio for over a decade. He is the right leader to achieve these goals and I will do all that I can to help him get these things done as Mayor.”

“I’m honored to receive the support of Councilman David Greenfield, a fellow Brooklynite who is a dedicated fighter for Brooklyn and this entire city in the City Council,” said Democratic nominee for NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. “At a time when working New Yorkers are struggling to make ends meet, David has never forgotten that a strong and vibrant economy is based on a growing middle class. I’m proud to stand with him.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. David,

    What a coward you are!!

    Do you really believe Bill De Blasio will be a strong leader?? If you do you are in a dream! And are (trying) to deliver something your constituents don’t want! And I really hope that your constituents in BP and rest of Brooklyn vote for Lhota because he is the Candidate that will stand there and help the orthodox Jewish community when they need his help! Not take crime through the roof because chas vesholom to stop and frisk an African American that looks so suspicious but it would be racism! Good luck trying to explain yourself to your horrible choice of a candidate why your districts in Brooklyn voted in large for Lhota!!

  2. Greenfield is a champion of the needs of our community? You’ve got to be kidding! Do you know his posotion on metziza bpeh?!

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