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Degel’s Growing Concerns As Election Nears

kanMany thought that the Bnei Torah party would act as it did ahead of the Knesset election and drop out of the race to prevent a split and loss of votes. However, as of Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan 5774, the split off from Degel Hatorah faction remains in the race, with elections days away, 18 Cheshvan.

Degel activists in Yerushalayim are expecting to pick up the pace and plaster frum neighborhoods with pashkavilim and flyers carrying the words of gedolei yisrael shlita in Bnei Brak who have spoken out strongly regarding the matter of achdus.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I don’t understand something. Isn’t “אתה נותן יד לפושעים” said about Hashem on Yom Kippur? I wonder about this poster. How could R’ Chayim make such a mistake? Maybe that’s not exactly what he said or meant. Maybe he didn’t mean the quote. Maybe the idea, but not the quote.

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