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De Blasio Leads Fight For Change; Lhota Stands own Ground, In First TV Debate


The candidates running for mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio and Joe Lhota, faced off one against each other in the first of 3 debates in the election for mayor.

Enjoying a huge lead over his opponent, Mr. De Blasio averted most of the questions to lump his opponent with the Tea Party, with the national Republicans and with Former mayor Rudy Giuliaini. In contrary, Mr. Lhota, who’s lacking the name recognition to land a fight, focused more on responding to the questions directed at him in a restrained but articulate manner, pointing out to the differences between the Democratic nominee and himself, and touting his government and private sector experience. He also brushed off Mr. De Blasio’s attacks by defending his polices and approach, but even more by showing viewers at home that he’s not the extremist mainstream Republican or divisive figure as his Democratic opponent is trying to paint him as.

Time and again, Mr. de Blasio responded to Mr. Lhota’s criticism as “right out of the Republican playbook” talking points or “classic Giuliani Republican tactics.” At one point, Mr. Lhota asked Mr. De Blasio, “Don’t lump me with people I am constantly in disagreement with. Where I don’t agree with the national Republican Party is long and hard. I am pro-choice; they are not. I am pro-gay rights as well as marriage equality; they are not. I have been outspoken about these issues over and over again.”

Mr. Lhota also attacked Mr. de Blasio’s “tale of two cities” signature.

“Where I disagree with my opponent is he talks about a tale of two cities, where you basically divide the city into class warfare, where it’s rich vs. poor, black vs. white, old vs. young,” Mr. Lhota said. “What we need to do is have a tale of one city, where we all work together.”

In tonight’s debate, Bill de Blasio showed why New Yorkers overwhelmingly support his vision for progressive change,” a post-debate de Blasio campaign statement read. “He offered a detailed prescription for how he will reduce inequality and end New York’s ‘Tale of Two Cities.’ Joe Lhota offered up little more than the tired Republican policies that shut down the government and made New York’s affordability and inequality crises worse. The contrast is clear: de Blasio is the only candidate who will bring progressive change to New York City.”

The Lhota campaign, on the other hand, claimed victory for demonstrating true leadership and a vision for New York City, while his opponent, Bill de Blasio, repeatedly offered the same, tired partisan rhetoric.

“Bill de Blasio did a great job warning us that he would offer a tired partisan playbook, and tonight he didn’t disappoint,” said Lhota spokeswoman Jessica Proud. “While Joe put his vast leadership experience on display and offered New Yorkers his vision to create jobs, reduce crime and fix our public education system, Mr. de Blasio spent the debate sounding like a partisan talking head. During the few moments he did talk about his policies, he showed he was on the wrong side of the vast majority of New Yorkers. The next mayor must offer solutions to our problems and tonight’s debate demonstrated Joe Lhota is the only candidate who will deliver. ”

We will have more about the issues discussed at the debate, as the comments made by the candidates in the spin room following the debate, I our next write-up.

Stay tuned…

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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