Disunity In Shas Party: Yishai-Deri Friction Growing

shasWhile it was a picture that warmed one’s heart, seeing 180 rabbonim and Shas notables on the dais of the Yerushalayim atzeres on Sunday night, much was taking place behind the scenes.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, former Shas leader Eli Yishai was seated on the top level of the dais alongside party MKs. Seated at his side was philanthropist Tzvi Amar. Yishai had to fight to secure him a spot among the elite. Yishai was not seated for too long before he noticed that party leader Aryeh Deri placed himself on the first row amid the most prominent of the rabbonim. Then came the announcement that Rabbi David Yosef, one of Maran’s ZT”L sons would be serving on the party’s Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael in Maran’s place. Yishai did not merit advanced notification nor did Deri consult with him.

Adding to the pain for Yishai was the fact that Deri addressed the tzibur of over 100,000, the only politician to speak despite the fact that he, Yishai, was the leader and the closest person to Maran for 14 years up to a few short months ago. Yishai was also not permitted to give a hesped at the levaya.

And yet there is more, at least from Yishai’s perspective. When Rabbi David Yosef spoke, he did not forget to thank Maran’s driver, his assistant, and Rav Moshe and Rebitzen Yehudit, but the name Yishai, the man that was at the gadol hador’s service for 14 years was omitted.

Rav Dovid did not spare the words when it came to praising Deri, stating “above all I would like to thank the founder of the party, who led the revolution” basically crediting Deri for all of Shas’ success. Rav David detailed how “abba love him more than a son” and credited Deri for keeping Maran going during the last difficult months and weeks. “It is difficult to imagine what would have been without him” Rav David stated.

Rosh Yeshivat Porat Yosef Rabbi Shalom Cohen Shlita in his address to the atzeres also showered Deri with praise, adding Maran left him in charge to make sure his wishes are carried out.

For those with a minimum measure of understanding, Yishai is hurt, pained to the core for it is clear he has been ousted. A pained and shamed Yishai left the event before they davened Maariv, realizing he is no longer a member of the prestigious inner circle.

Yishai’s wife, Tzipi, watched the events as they were aired live. She too felt the pain and she contacted Rabbanit Yehudit to vent and officially voice her protest and anger over the treatment of her husband who served loyally for 14 years.

There is always another side and Deri supporters cite that when Yishai had the opportunity, he did not hesitate to embarrass Deri when the opportunity presented itself.

The Deri-Yishai conflict has earned a respectable place in Israel’s mainstream news analysis talk shows. Most of the experts, journalists who have been following Maran and Shas since its inception feel that for the time being, Yishai will remain silent and the party will appear unified. The “time being” is identified as the time until efforts for the next Knesset election begin, at which time Yishai and his loyalists, including rabbonim and supporters, will have quietly laid the groundwork in place and the announcement of the new Sephardi party will be made.

In short, with Maran ZT”L no longer at the helm, most believe the Shas party as we have come to know it is counting down its days and its demise will coincide with the next Knesset elections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Deri,

    You are being stupid!
    You are going to hurt yourself at the end of the day!

    “Eli Yishai was closest to Maran for last 14 years up until a few short months ago” You can not hide that fact nor try to run away from it! And if you think that you will bury that fact you will end up burying yourself first! Wake up before it’s too late…if you were “chosen” to be Shas Chairman give Yishai the respect and credit he deserves. At least make him a respected VP. Or else your days and maybe even the days Shas are numbered….

  2. Majority of SHAS backers are connected to Yishei and feel a love, respect and admiration for Eli….

    Sorry Deri, the numbers at the next election will prove the truth!! Deri is a pacifist, a friend of the residents of Arab villages before he befriends a holy yid from Yehuda and Shomron.

  3. A plague on ALL their houses…..The Sephardeshe kehillah deserves better than these two recycled political hacks who have engaged in fraud, bribery and political charades for nearly two decades while the Rav seemingly looked the other way. Now his son tries to bring back the one who was sentenced to prison and throw the other guy under the bus. Aren’t there any honest political leaders who can step forward and fill the void to restore Shas’ political legacy?

  4. #5- When did Eli Yishai engage in fraud or bribery? Political charades – certainly, but to the best of my knowledge and recollection he has never been accused of either fraud or bribery or of any other criminal activity for that matter (unlike so many of his colleagues who have been found guilty as charged). He may be imperfect but he is the only Sephardic politician who currently has the standing to oppose Deri and, honestly, speaking of fraud, bribery and political charades, who would you rather have: Yishai or Deri? That’s the choice.

  5. Gadolhadorah, do you realize that, your reaction to this political story, you just cursed tens of Jews (“a…on all their houses”)?

    What right do you have to do so?

  6. #6 You are correct.
    That is the sign on the horizon, also Attia & others will join that more authentic party (Son Rav Avrohom from Cholon is a supporter and like-minded ‘right winger’ like Yishei).

  7. Without taking sides, it’s time that Yishai grows up and stops reacting like a child to every slight to his feelings.
    He is no longer the party head & has no better standing than any other Shas MK. Additionally, there is an obvious need for the party to fully support its new chairman as there are still those who want to go back to Yishai. They are doing so by not giving Yishai any greater recognition than other Shas members. They are not disrespecting him; they’re just attempting to strengthen Deri’s position.

  8. YWN usually provides high-quality reports and have the latest and best reporting. However I feel I must comment on this post. Is there anything substantial that this post offers? It is pure fuel for the fire of machlokes. It is 100% lashon horah. Please read sefer chofetz chaim for the TERRIBLE ramifications and dangers of spreading or instigating machlokes. i’m sure you would want NO part in such kind of stuff.

    May you be zoche to be bearers of lashon horah-free posts that seeks to unify am yisrael.

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