Gedolim Sign Kol Koreh: Vote Agudas Yisrael

Admorim have signed a kol korei which appears in chassidish newspapers calling on their tzibur to vote for Agudas Yisrael candidates exclusively in the upcoming election. Following is the heart of the kol korei’s message. The original Hebrew appears below:

We have come to address the upcoming municipal elections around the country that will take place on 18 Cheshvan 5774. We have an opportunity to be strengthen Torah parties.

To our sorrow there are those in every city working to uproot Yiddishkheit and destroy Shabbos and life as a frum Jew and therefore, we are compelled to do our utmost to prevent them from carrying out their plan.

Alternatively, to our simcha, each city has services for Torah observant Jews including shuls, mikvaos, schools and batei medrash. This all demands suitable representation.

Therefore, we are publishing our position, daas Torah, that each and every one of us must only cast a vote for Agudas Yisrael, the letter Gimmel or the framework in which Agudah appears in a particular municipal election and not chas v’sholom to be counted among those who break away from the tzibur.

One must also vote for the candidate endorsed by the party for the mayoral slot. (There are two envelopes in the election, one for mayor and the second for party representation on the city council).

This last paragraph is quite significant, since it leaves an open door for many chassidim to vote for Nir Barkat in the Jerusalem election since Belze and Gur have never come out in support of Leon, the unofficial chareidi candidate.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. By definition, all frum Israeli parties have councils of gedolim supporting them. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be a frum party. The article suggests that gedolim (overall) are overwhelming supporting one party, where in fact the article should say that the Agudas Yisrael gedolim are supporting their party (no hiddush there!).

  2. So, basically, I’m expected to vote for someone simply because I’ve been presented with a paper written entirely in Hebrew with names on it? Baaaaaah!

  3. Everyone realizes that without the Agudah Leon has absolutely no chance at all. This puts the Agudah in the rider’s seat in negotiations with Leon – and the above kol koreh is the Agudah applying the spurs with gusto. It will be interesting to see what concessions they will be able to get Leon to offer for their support.

  4. This kol korea was a must since the Charedi parties are splintering out and supporting various candidates.

    Nir is a shoo in even according to the opinion of Charedim, Rav Auverbach is supporting someone else. There is also votes for the Yerushalayim and Bet Shemesh councils which are of prime importance. TOV, UTJ, AGUDAH & Shas are supporting & offering various candidates. The Charedi world is expanding and becoming fragmented…

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