Rav Tau Against Bayit Yehudi’s Anti-Torah Agenda

tauRabbi Tzvi Tau Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Har HaMor and a leading dati leumi posek, announces his opposition to the Bayit Yehudi party. (Har HaMor is the split off faction or Merkaz HaRav).

Rav Tau is questioned about the Beit Shemesh mayoral race, in which the Shas affiliated incumbent is seeking a second term, running against Eli Cohen, with the latter backed by Likud and Bayit Yehudi.

Rav Tau’s position against the liberal wing of the dati leumi community is known, and in the last election he instructed his talmidim to vote Shas, not Bayit Yehudi. However, this appears to be the first time the rav chose to come out publically, outside of his circle with such a scathing message.

The rav’s letter appears in Haaretz, stating “Bayit Yehudi’s agenda is the destruction of the religious Zionist parties to undermine the status quo for separation of religion and state in all area and to dismantle our entire connection to Torah”.

“I do not see for whom these aspirations and goals are better suited other than a Bayit Yehudi party leader who is a non-religious individual. Get rid of the hypocrisy and deception and take off the mask and let’s hope the party’s name is also replaced for this too is a lie.”

“I am sure that this will compel the chareidi parties to take more responsibility for the entire country, a reality that will certainly bring the geula closer.”

For those wondering why a prominent rav would have his letter published in Haaretz, journalist Yishai Friedman explains that officials in Har HaMor tried having the letter published in Yisrael Hayom and Maariv, but they both rejected it for fear of a lawsuit. Har HaMor officials stated they stand behind every word so any lawsuit would be directed at them, not the newspapers, but they declined. At the time of publication there is no response from either newspaper.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “I am sure that this will compel the chareidi parties to take more responsibility for the entire country, a reality that will certainly bring the geula closer.” –

    NOW THAT WOULD BE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION except the Charedi parties have never taken responsibility outside of their voters and UTJ’s Moshe Gafni has said, “Our parties is only concerned with strengthening Torah Learners”……a small percentage of the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

  2. Two points #2

    a. Rav Tau is as ‘dati leumi’ (in your assessment) as Rav Ezrachi (RY of a Charedi yeshiva)

    b. He is far from the first of the DL Rabbonim to state this fact. These same declarations have been made over 1/2 year ago by Rav Lior and a group of a dozen Rabbonim and RYs.

  3. For readers unaware of Rav Tau, let it be clear that he is not Dati Leumi at all but is at the most Chareidi end of what constitutes the Chardal (Chareidi Dati Leumi) sector. In other words, he is basically a Chareidi who supports the trappings of statehood (government and especially military) insofar as they serve to accomplish the goal of the ultimate Geula. He doesn’t really concern himself with how a state with no “secular” higher education and where people refuse to have gainful employment is supposed to function, nor does he seem to mind supporting political parties that hate any form of Religious Zionism including his own. Unfortunately he has merited (largely through his having been a primary talmid of R. Tzvi Yehudah Kook zt’l) to influence a generation of followers who also don’t care about the internal contradictions of his wrongheaded hashkafa.

  4. 6- My post clearly stated what the internal contradictions of his hashkafa are. Sorry if reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.

    7- The more you post the more idiotic you sound. Please keep it coming…

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