CD48 – Storobin Promises Increased Funding To Shomrim and Neighborhood Watch Groups


Former State Senator and current City Council Candidate David Storobin promises increased funding of Shomrim and other neighborhood watch groups, if elected to City Council.

In a conversation with YWN, Mr. Storobin made his position very clear: He is a big fan of Shomrim and believes that the government should cooperate and fund these organizations as much as possible. He also came out in favor of providing bullet proof vests and other protection for auxiliary police.

In his short tenure in the State Senate, Mr. Storobin sponsored 9 bills to fight crime and increase punishment for criminals.

Asked how his view of Shomrim was effected by his running against Flatbush Shomrim founder Chaim Deutsch, Mr. Storobin said it’s not personal.

“The day after he [Deutsch] won the Democratic primary, I approached Chaim to congratulate him and tell him that I have a lot of respect for the work that he’s done,” said Storobin. “I promised him that I would not be the first to attack in this race, and I hope we can have a civil race without any slander. We can discuss issues where we disagree because I’m a Republican and he’s a Democrat, without engaging in personal attacks. I believe in the work that Shomrim is doing and after the election I will be it’s chief advocate in the City Council.”

Mr. Storobin also noted he believes in funding other neighborhood watch groups. “These groups are made up of volunteers who are trying to make their community a better, safer place,” he said. “They save the government a lot of money by helping our police officers. If the government needs to spend a little bit to protect these volunteers and to allow for the police cooperation with them, it’s a great way to improve our neighborhoods and save our city’s money.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. It’s very nice that mr storobin admires and supports the work of Shomrim and their founder Chaim Deutsch. What I’m wondering, is why would anyone want to have an assistant chief, when you can have the commissioner/ commander in chief looking out for our well being and safety!

  2. Hey, YWN – do you want us to vote for the guy who (after about three hours as a state senator) now “claims” he will support Shomrim, just because he advertises on your website? Give us a little credit: we’ll vote instead for Chaim Deutsch, who actually FOUNDED Shomrim.

    This is the same nonsense that someone tried pulling in the primary – claiming to be a supporter of the Torah community — but we were smart enough to vote for Deutsch, who actually is part of the Torah community.

    By the way, for those who have a memory of Storobin’s last campaign, he tried the same schtick, and it didn’t work. It is insulting that he would try this type of nonsense again, but I guess he’s running out of options … and public jobs top run for.

    Moderators Response: We want you to vote for whomever you want. Honestly, we could not care less who wins. Storobin can claim anything he wants, just like Deutsch can claim whatever he wants. They are both paying customers, and YWN published EVER SINGLE press release sent by both campaigns.

  3. Agreed @bassmaster. Chaim is obviously the best choice, as Chaim is the only one who has EXPERIENCE with things like safety and – as no one should forget – while Mr. Storobin has 2 months of experience in government, Chaim Deutsch has 17 years of experience. Mr. Storobin does have vast amounts of experience as a candidate, as this is his 3rd election in 2 years. Hmmm, what does this tell us?

  4. How could you possibly think that Storobin has a shot? He doesn’t even have most of the Russians support! Chaim has support from everyone!

  5. Yes, Storobin did introduce bills in the Senate during his couple of weeks as a member knowing full well that the session would adjourn before any action could be taken on the bills. He acconplished absolutly nothing during his service in the Senate.

    His misreprentation really troubles me. During his first campaign he tried to give the impression that he was a member of the frum community. Now he touts his non existant record in the State Senate. And the claim that he will add funding for the Shomrim that his opponent founded is indeed bizarre. Heand his kind give politicians a bad name.

  6. Mr. Straw-bones is at it again….So.,let’s analyze what he’s really done for the community? What has he accomplished as a senator? Does anyone know where he davens? Does anyone know IF he davens? Does he evben own a pair of tfillin?

    Judaism? is that what he’s harping about now? Folks, he may be from a Russian background, he may think he has the Russian votes, but when one speaks to the Russians in the community, it’s a bit odd that some don’t even know his name…

    So, when you go out to vote this year, remember, “al tistakel bakankan, elo ma shyesh bo”….

    The ONLY candidate for our heilige community is Chaim, HANDS DOWN!!


  7. As Russian Jew that keeps torah the choice is difficult. I think both will make good candidates but i think Storobin has better chance at winning. I will share my thoughts on race.

    David Storobin is very popular in Russian community in his district. People know him better than De Blasio and Lhota. People in the Russian community think that the election on Nov. 5th is just for David Storobin. Unfortunately, most Russian people do not even know that he running against someone. They just know that they have to vote for Storobin. When I spoke to a few of my friends, they still think that Ari Kagan is running. It seems like no one know of Chaim Deutsch. Not russians, not americans, not chinese, no one. Only my jewish friends who live in Midwood heard of him. No one even knows Nelson. Everyone knows Kagan and Storobin.

    It would be good to have another torah observant elected official. He could help David Greenfield and Dov Hikind. But I don’t know about Deutsch’s 17 years of experience. If Deutsch becomes official like Nelson it won’t matter if we elect him or not. No one ever hears about Nelson and certainly about Deutsch. Who did he help for 17 years? If he did help anybody, nobody in this neighborhood knows about it.

    Storobin is definitely no frum jew. He is Russian Jew but not frum but i do not think he claims to be frum. At the manhattan beach jewish center debate ari kagan put on a kippah but david storobin did not. Some people may not like Storobin because of things he says but no one can say that he is dishonest or liar.

    i think chaim will have very difficult time winning because there are so many russian people in this neighborhood. the only way that chaim will win is if he starts to make deals with pakistani, turkish, and chinese groups that he worked with as helper to Nelson. Pakistani people on Neptune Ave love Chaim, but I dont know why.

    I see many russian Rabbis supporting David and I think there are many Midwood Rabbis supporting Chaim. Chaim is frum and i think he may live in midwood, he may be better to represent midwood. David Storobin lives in Sheepshead Bay and he is russian so he may be better candidate for russian people.

    Think that the little things David is trying to do to get jewish vote will not help so much just like things Deutsch is trying to do to get russian vote will not help so much. People are smart enough to know that david is not best for frum and deutsch is not best for russian. Of course, they will each help Russians and Jews but Deutsch will be best for Midwood and Storobin will be best for Kings Highway, Sheepshead Bay, and Brighton.

    We each have 1 vote. We should vote for person we think is best for us and spend less time worrying about this. There are lots of more valuable things that we could be discussing in our community like issue of drugs hurting families and people with not enough money to eat.

  8. What a BS. Storobin will be best for Kings Highway and Brighton? How? By spreading more and more lies. By giving himself credits? For promising to deliver pensions from a Former Soviet Union that will affect SSI of Russian seniors? How he is going to be helpful to businesses? The same way he was helping after Sandy. Sending flyers and taking pictures? How dare you can say that no one knows Chaim on Brighton. He is known for his help after Sandy, he is known for everything he does for 17 years, GO CHAIM!

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