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Continuing Escalation in Arab Violence Throughout Yehuda and Shomron

parWhile the past weeks have been accompanied by a steady increase in so-called intifada attacks against Jewish motorists throughout Yehuda and Shomron, the media blackout on such attacks removes them from the media spotlight and hence, in the minds of most Israelis, they never occurred.

Many fear this media blackout feeds the agenda of the behind-the-scenes negotiations continuing between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). It is feared by the Eretz Yisrael loyalist camp that Justice Minister Tzipi Livni is working to achieve a deal at any cost, which may lead to unprecedented and dangerous concession to the PA by Israel.

Following is a time log of weekend attacks (Friday/Shabbos/Sunday [7, 8 & 9 Cheshvan 5774]).

Sunday – 9 Cheshvan

11:35: Arabs supported by left-wing activist arrived at Nokdim [in Gush Etzion] to stir the situation under the guise of olive harvesting. Authorities distanced some of the left-wingers from the area.

Shabbos – 8 Cheshvan

01:35: Vehicles traveling in the Talmonim area of Shomron were attacked in rock-throwing attacks, the Tatzpit Agency reports.

22:54: 11-to-16-year old Arabs armed with a firebomb were taken into custody near Chawarah in Shomron, Hatzalah Yosh reports.

21:03: A bus was targeted in a rock-throwing attack north of Hebron. Damage reported/no injuries (Hatzalah Yosh).

19:16: Firebombs and a burning tire were hurled at IDF troops near Kalkilye. (Tatzpit)

17:00: An inspection of an Arab vehicle by IDF soldiers near the Arab village of Yabed revealed they were carrying two knives. (Hatzalah Yosh)

16:40: Soldiers attacked with rocks on the road to Kiryat Arba near the entrance to the community. (Hatzalah Yosh)

07:00: Firebombs were hurled at the community of Karmei Tzur north of Hebron. The attackers fled into Beit Omar. (Hatzalah Yosh)

Friday – 7 Cheshvan

21:35: A firebomb was hurled at a post near Negahot, located in the Southern Hebron Hills. (Hatzalah Yosh)

21:00: Rock-throwing attack from Sinjel, located in the Gush Shilo area of Shomron. (Hatzalah Yosh)

19:00: Rocks were hurled at soldiers manning the Bituniya Crossing. Two soldiers sustained light injuries. They were transported to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Yerushalayim. Five firebombs were hurled at the soldiers as well. (Hatzalah Yosh)

18:23: Arabs from Silwad placed a burning tire north of Ofra, in the Binyamin Regional Council area of Shomron. (Tatzpit)

13:52: Rocks were hurled at vehicles traveling near Dir Abu Meshal near N’vei Tzuf in the Binyamin Regional Council district. A number of vehicles were damaged. (Hatzalah Yosh)

12:18: Arabs supported by left-wing activist arrived at Nokdim [in Gush Etzion] to stir the situation under the guise of olive harvesting. The IDF dispersed them. (Tatzpit)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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