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In Russia Mashgichim Preparing Pesach Wine

cMashgichim from Moscow have traveled to Slawa-Nakovini to begin kashering to make wine for Pesach. The head of the vaad kashrus Rav Yosef Yitzchak Marzel heads the team overseeing the production of mehadrin wine for yomtov. Accompanying him if Rav Yosef Warzuv who heads the Russian KR Kosher which is headed by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar. Other rabbonim, including area Chabad shluchim are assisting in the kashering and wine production.

The rabbonim are hopeful that several hundred thousand bottles of mehadrin wine will be available for those seeking it throughout Russia.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. rachmana litzlan! Yayin Nesech! Why do they have to be involved in everything that requires a frum yid such as shechita and safrus. Hashem Yeracheim! vei iz tzu unz!

  2. Im glad they are preparing pesach wine but the last time I checked, ALL wine – aside for perhaps flavored – is kosher l’pesach. Yes, one should check labels anyway to make sure it is kosher and for pesach too.

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