Israeli Journalist: I Won’t Shed A Single Tear If Chareidi Yeshivos Burn As They Did In The Holocaust

ponDati leumi Journalist Chaggai Huberman used his column in a dati leumi weekly Mashiv HaRuach, to call on the dati leumi community to stop worrying about chareidi yeshivos.

Huberman, who in the past referred to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L as a “traitor” now calls on the dati leumi Bayit Yehudi party to just concern itself with its yeshivos, not those of the chareidim.

Huberman uses his column to point out that last week, Bayit Yehudi succeeded in obtaining 65 million NIS in yeshiva funding, yet most of the money went to the chareidim. 52 million NIS went to chareidi mosdos and only 13 million NIS to dati leumi mosdos. He quoted MK (Likud) Tzipi Hotevely and a panel discussion she ran recently in which she pointed out that the chareidi agenda is not in line with the dati leumi tzibur and therefore, Bayit Yehudi should concern itself with dati leumi yeshivos exclusively, questioning why Bayit Yehudi feels it must concern itself with the chareidi yeshivos and their needs. “The chareidim mock and curse the Zionist community” so why assist them Hotevely stated during the forum panel discussion.

Huberman feels that concerning Shas there is room to address the party for most of Shas voters do serve in the IDF as compared to the Ashkenazi chareidim, “for whom the state has no value”. He added that only the dati leumi are involved in every aspect of the nation and concerns itself with the nation and therefore, ‘the poor of your yeshiva come first’ he exclaims.

“Yahadut Hatorah joined the Sharon coalition nine years ago and received 290 million NIS to save chareidi mosdos as they permitted the destruction of tens of mosdos Torah in Gush Katif. “

Huberman ended his column by saying “I admit that I will not shed a single tear if I see Ponevezh, Mir and Slobodka and Chevron Yeshivos all face the same plight as Poland’s Yeshivas Cochmei Lublin”.

Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin was destroyed in 1940 by the Nazis YS”VZ as they burned the Sifrei Torah in front of the entire Jewish community.

Huberman is a prominent right-wing journalist/military correspondent beginning his career with Bnei Akiva, reporting for HaTzofe, Makor Rishon and Arutz-7 to name a few.

In a clarification by Huberman quoted by Roter, he says “Nowhere did I hint that I would like to see holy seforim burned chas v’sholom. One visiting Yeshivas Chachmei Lubin in Poland today does not see burned seforim but one sees an empty building. This is what I envisioned and that is what I was referring to. The entire matter pertains to budget. My criticism was directed at Bayit Yehudi for seeing to state budgets for chareidi yeshivos. I maintain these funds should be halted and as a result, these yeshivos will dry up. That is what I mean when I said ‘I would not shed a tear’”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. So why are DL so upset if they’re considered Goyim, Amalekim, Erev Rav and Nazis, when that’s exactly what they act like?

    Once again we proved how right Chazal were. The Gemara in Pesachim states that an Am Haaretz hate Torah scholars more than goyim hate Jews.

  2. well, if the money was allocated for Yeshivot it goes to all yeshivot. What happened to Gush Katif was not a result of a budget issue, but a security decision – though a misguided one..

  3. Unlike the charedi world, where hatred for the D”L is prevalent and acceptable, as #1 makes clear, this one sentence in a negligible journal (Google ‘mashiv haruach’ and see if you can even find a mention of it) has been greeted with solid condemnation in the D”L world and websites.

    The fact remains that the Bayit HaYehudi did look out for funding for the charedi yeshivas together with its own yeshivas, and continues to do so – which cannot be said for charedi politicians who show utter contempt for all things D”L and who did, in fact, go so far as to destroy Gush Katif (including its synagogues and yeshivas) in return for some money for their own mosdos.

    But while Huberman’s sentence is not yet finding any traction in the D”L community it should serve as a wake-up call to mainstream charedim who sit by or even participate in D”L bashing that, in the end, you sow what you reap.

  4. Now I see how right the satmar rebbe zy”u was when he said that it will come a time when a “erlicher” yid will not be able to live in eretz yisroel. Then after that he founded the keren hatzloh to fund the mosdos hatorah in eretz yisroel that don’t go the bechiros so they shouldn’t depend on the government of israel.

  5. This comment does not represent the opinion of the Dati Leumi community. If this guy said it, he should make a public apology. Then again, Charedi world should apologize for humiliating those Sephardic girls who were banned and separated from going to Bais Yaacov in Israel. 30-50k Charedim showed up to protest the Israeli courts for making them take the girls in. Yes 30-50k. No shame anymore

  6. The artical wrongly claims this guy is a right winger.
    No he isn’t.
    You can’t be an antisemite like him and be a right winger.
    The two are mutually exclusive.

  7. All who suddenly try to claim
    he’s just one negligible journalist
    (to this audience on this site;elsewhere observe how THEY’RE RELISHING and promoting HIS article)

    READ similar sounding articles from DL journalists
    on Jpost ,Ynet,YIsroel Hayom..


    “Huberman feels that concerning Shas there is room to address the party for most of Shas voters do serve in the IDF as compared to the Ashkenazi chareidim, “for whom the state has no value”. He added that only the dati leumi are involved in every aspect of the nation and concerns itself with the nation and therefore, ‘the poor of your yeshiva come first’ he exclaims. ”

    BACK IN FEBRUARY,Bayit Y claimed (Do a search) they’re really only opposed to Shas but they’re okay with the Ashkenazi chareidim

  8. A Relative who was a leading figure of Haifa Mizrachi in the ’40’s and ’50’s
    (he led the reciting of Tehillim on the radio ,May 14 ‘48 the day the state was declared,but used publicly block cars traveling on Shabbos)

    would be pulling his hair out to where DL has come to..

  9. הם ורק הם המפד”ב-2003-2005לא פרשו מהקואלציה בממשלת שרון…חיכו לרגע האחרון..לא האמינו עד שהגיעו לבושי המדים השחורים.

    לו המפד”ל אז היה פורש מהקואלציה לא הייה גרוש מגוש-קטיף..

  10. We need to ask the following questions:

    1.How widely held are these views, especially among the zionist “elite”, secular, western-oriented persons of Jewish descent?

    2. Should we be afraid that they will be the ones doing the burning?

    3. Should we perceive the anti-Torah bias of much of the Israel establishment as a threat, just as the anti-Jewish bias in Germany in the 1930s led to mass murder. If so, we need to be looking for an alternative to zionism (which probably means switching to the more radical hareidi view of seeking an alliance with the Yismaelim against the zionists).

  11. #17 This isnt anti Torah Bias. Governments across the world are stopping funding to all religious institutions that dont teach core subjects that make students marketable for jobs. The Charedi community wants government money, welfare and food stamps but doesnt even want to serve even a day in the army. They then claim that they are under attack. Most ashkenazi Jews are assimilating and not supporting any Yeshivas, Haredi or not, so the Charedi world better start learning how to play nice in the sandbox with the other kinderluch.

  12. It is quite interesting how the DL here are defending themselves claiming this guy doesn’t represent anyone else. Yet many of these same commenters, when there is a story of some marginal chareidi figure who did something looking bad, how they attack the entire Chareidi world as a whole.

  13. The headline is misleading. The author of the original article said nothing about burning yeshivos, and while I strongly disagree with his actual statement as quoted, YWN has put yet more inflammatory words in his mouth. This is journalism?? Midvar Sheker Tirchak!!

    an Israeli Yid

  14. 1. This Journalist’s views are very extreme and so it makes sense that most DL are not in agreement (and most likely disgusted) with his statements.

    2. To say, ““The chareidim mock and CURSE the Zionist community” is just so untrue! “Disagree”, “Antagonistic”, even “Mock” perhaps… but “Curse”, NEVER!

    3. Let’s put things in to perspectives. The differences between the DL and the Chareidim are basically three:
    a)DL – believe in the Medina and what it stands for.
    Chareidim – believe that the Medina is an anti-Torah establishment that is influenced by the Erev Rav who’s main objective is to wipe out Torah and Mitzva’s from the Jewish people.
    b)DL – believe “the study of Torah is in order to live a Torah life”
    Chareidim – believe that “the study of Torah IS life”(note: a minority of DL actually hold the same as the Chareidim).
    c)DL – believe that serving in the IDF is a Mitzva par Excellence regardless of the fact that the army is run by people that don’t keep the Torah and are at times antagonistic to Torah values.
    Chareidim – Army service for an Anti-Torah establishment is one that should be avoided as much as possible and certainly not to leave Yeshivah to serve. However, those that are serving do receive reward for protecting the Jewish people and those that die in service are Anshei Kedosh that go straight to Gan Eden.

    These are the basic beliefs that differ. However, among the masses of DL Jews exists Hashkafas that Rav Kook, ztl would NEVER have permitted being as they are not in accordance with Halacha.
    Examples: dress codes that violate laws of tznius (shirts that are VERY wide open around the neck and skirts that are above the knees. NOTE: Rav Kook held that skirts need to reach the ankles. The Merkas HaRav talmidim are strict on this. Kudos to them!), TV and Unfiltered Internet, mix events for teens, etc.)

    That said, in honesty, the Chareidim are now starting to be plagued by this as well. The difference is that there is a loud voice against it in our circles. I am not aware of such among the DL. I’d be happy to hear I’m wrong.

    The main disdain that the Chareidim have against the DL is their love affair with the Government. This love affair, in our opinion, has caused a lot of damage. Unfortunately, over time, the involvement of the Chareidim in the Government has poisoned the views of many 2nd/3rd generation Chereidim as well, which makes me wonder at times if the Satmar Rav was ultimately right. (Note: I’m talking about Satmar views, not Neturi Kartei (may they do Teshuva))

    To end, I hope this Rasha does Teshuva and if not at least gets fired!

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