Bloomberg Gets Caught Up In Mexico Soda Tax Fight

blom2New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is being drawn into the heated debate in Mexico over a proposed 8-cent (1 peso) per liter tax on soft drinks to fund anti-obesity efforts in a country with a growing weight problem.

The proposed $950 million tax has drawn the wrath of Mexico’s big soft-drink bottlers, retailers and sugar growers. They have taken out full-page ads and media spots to oppose the measure rates.

Some ads target Bloomberg, who unsuccessfully tried to impose a similar measure in New York CIty, where it was blocked by a court. Bloomberg’s charity has contributed to Mexican pro-tax groups.

Several of the ads published in Mexico in recent days have been headlined: “No to the Bloomberg Tax,”


6 Responses

  1. Galicianer: Lol!
    How many days left to this egomaniacs regime? He has turned into a bitter old man who could use a good retirement and anger management class.

  2. King Bloomberg is so out of touch with common serfs. A bloomberg tax would leave a lot of mexicans thirsty after a nice taco lunch.

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