It has been learned that when residents of PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas arrived in the northern Shomron area that was once Chomesh, they were accompanied by members of the Israeli leftist organization Yesh Din. It appears they wished to be part of eradicating any trace of the former Jewish community, which was removed during the implementation of the Disengagement Plan in 2005.
After Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced Arabs may return to Chomesh, they did not waste any time doing just that, using the opportunity to paint over the menorah and raise the PLO flag.
It was Yesh Din that sent a letter to the attorney general on behalf of PA residents, seeking to clear their way to return in the hope of totally removing the Jewish presence from that area.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
3 Responses
Yesh Din is a very suitable name for them. With their maasim raim, they bring midat hadin to the world. Is Lapid the head of it?
A message to them and for the world: Yesh Din veyesh Dayan, the world is not hefker.
yesh din is really a lefty arab loving group of self hating Jews who deserve to be given their olah back and declared goyim.
They proudly stand with our enemies and radiate hatred of their birth people in order to ingrain themselves with the arabs. when the arabs have no use for them, they will kill them too.
Wouldn’t we do the same thing if we took over land from someone?
The Israeli left is naive in believing the Arabs will settle for anything less than a removal of all Jewish settlements (such as Tel Aviv) and a return to the status quo ante of 100 years ago – Islamic rule on Eretz Yisrael. However they are no more naive than the right wing zionists who believe that military force will secure peace, and both left and right wing zionists believe they can establish a secular state in Eretz Yisrael (which besides insulting and annoying the goyim, is a rebellion against Ha-Shem – and in all truth the zionists of all flavors are intimidated by neither Ha-Shem nor the goyim).