Lhota’s Donors Losing Faith In His Mayoral Candidacy

lhotaEven Joe Lhota’s most loyal supporters are already giving up on his chances of beating Bill de Blasio in the polls on November 5th. Ken Langone, Home Depot Corp. founder and one of Mr. Lhota’s biggest financial backers, told the WSJ he is convinced Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, the Democratic mayoral nominee, will defeat Mr. Lhota in the Nov. 5 election.

“He’s going to win,” Mr. Langone said in the interview, referring to Mr. de Blasio.

But that comment might have gotten him in trouble with his guy. The Republican candidate told reporters today he immediately called his political donor upon hearing that the billionaire Home Depot founder has lost faith in his mayoral candidacy.

“I read them this morning,” said Lhota. “I’ve got a call into Ken.”

“One thing you gotta know about Ken Langone: Ken Langone never minces words,” Lhota told reporters after delivering a brief speech to faith-based organizations inside the Highline Ballroom Wednesday morning. “He’s not flowery in any of his words. He tells it like he sees it.”

“I don’t agree with him,” he added. “I do believe that I have an opportunity to win. We’ll see this as we go forward in the debates. I can’t say I was upset but it caused me to call him.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. We’ve got a month to go before the election. There is still time for a turnaround.

    Joe “Yoely” Lhota should fire his campaign strategist, and get a new aggressive campaign chief, capable of countering the Alinsky-style campaign tactics of deBlasio.

  2. Let’s face it, Dr. de Biasio will win, and the losers will be charter schools, safe streets, and those hoping not to pay anymore through the Jose in taxes.

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